Thursday, May 14, 2009

Raelians won, Journal de Montreal lost

Raelians have won an invasion of privacy court battle against Journal de Montreal in Quebec, Canada. This is good news not only to the Raelians, but also to other religious minorities, faith and spiritual groups, and people concerned with freedom of belief, invason of privacy and human rights. Certainly the Raelians are celebrating.

The judge, Charles Grenier's understanding, in summary, about what Rael and the Raelian Movement are all about is very good. No bias, no prejudice, no stupidity:

"Let's simply remember that Rael, who was born in France, claims to be the product of the union of an Eloha, a member of family of extra-terrestrials, the Elohim, and an Earthling, and that after having received the good word (from the Elohim), who presented themselves to him at the beginning of his adult life, he gave himself the mission of preparing the Elohims' return to Earth and creating favorable conditions for humans on Earth for their eternal care by them".

Intrusive journalism, particularly of the sneaky and dishonest reporters, by using false identity, bad motives and clandestine methods to get and release information, which violates people's privacy is simply wrong.

Nowadays, the media don't seem to care too much about facts, people's privacy, and freedom of belief. They tend to dramatize and sensationalize the stories, the news, in order to attract the readers or viewers, to make sales. The objective seems to be making money, not about news reporting.

There is a big difference between the release of already public information to the public, and
the release of private pictures, information and data to the public without the approval of the private owner(s).

The media, especially the mainstream media, should learn to become more ethical, professional and fair in their news reporting, instead of giving everything a negative spin and distortion. News reporting should be factual, truthful, balanced and professional. It is not fiction writing.

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