Thursday, February 20, 2014

China and Taiwan

Peace is always better than war. Current relationship between China (the Peoples Republic of China) and Taiwan (Republic of China) is good. 
Taiwanese people are largely the same as Chinese people in terms of history, culture, ancestry, ethnicity, language, and in so many things. It was politics and a civil war that caused the separation of China and Taiwan. 
Time and economics are on the side of China for reunification, not Taiwan for independence. My hope is that whether Taiwan will become truly independent (unlikely) or re-unified with China (hopefully), it must be achieved peacefully. War sucks. I respectfully ask the Chinese and Taiwanese Governments to find peaceful solutions to all issues and problems between China and Taiwan, and not to use military action against each other. Thank you.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Judging from the pro-democracy rally in Hong Kong at this time, I am losing my hope of unification of China and Taiwan at any time soon.This ' one country, two systems ' proposal by China will not be acceptable to Taiwan. If ' one country, one system ' is the solution, then what system will be acceptable to both China and Taiwan ? Certainly, Taiwan cannot accept a government based on a one-communist-party kind of one system, to replace a free and democratic Taiwan. The challenge for unification largely lies in the political realm, not in the cultural and socio-economic aspects. In any case, I am against any military action against each other.
