Friday, April 10, 2015

Diaoyu Islands: China and Japan Conflict

The dispute regarding the Diaoyu Islands between China and Japan is a very sensitive issue. Right now, both South Korea and China are pissed off, because Japan has made its school books and maps to include some dispute islands in the China Sea, including the Diaoyu Islands, as parts of Japan.

I have done some studies about the Diaoyu Islands, which are known as the Senkaku Islands in Japan. In Youtube, you can find and watch a good number of videos about the Diaoyu Islands dispute, some of which are pro-China, and some are pro-Japan. Certainly, China took one position, and Japan took another position, otherwise there would be no conflict. I am a pacifist. I believe in peaceful solutions to all conflicts. I am pro-peace and anti-war. That said, I think these islands should be returned by Japan to China.

There is a Youtube video titled 'Diaoyu Islands The Truth' made by Chris D. Nebe, a German film director from Hollywood. I am inviting all my friends (whether you are Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Russian, Filipino, Singaporean, Australian, American, Canadian, or of any nationality) to watch this well-made documentary video (42 minutes long), to learn a little bit about the modern history of China, Asia and the world.

I have many things to say about the Diaoyu Islands, Asia and the World, but I just want to touch on a few major points here:

After Japan's defeat and surrender in World War Two, it was clear that it must return all territories to their previous owners, and be allowed to keep its 4 major islands only.

The Diaoyu (meaning Fishing) Islands have been used by Chinese fishermen as a station, base, or platform for hundreds if not thousands of years.

Upon the end of WW2, the U.S. gave the Diaoyu Islands to Japan for administration without the agreement of China. To allow Japan to administer the islands could not mean the transfer of ownership or sovereignty of those lands to Japan. Administration is NOT ownership. Temporary control and usage of the Diaoyu Islands by Japan should have been made agreeable to China, not by unilateral action of the U.S. who gave them to Japan.

Was there any explicit U.S. signed statement, which was legal and recognized by the UN, that the Diaoyu Islands were given to Japan for ownership, not administration? Besides, the U.S. was not the owner of the Diaoyu Islands (not being part of the U.S.), so did the U.S. even have the legal authority to let Japan administer them? Again, as part of  the conditions of Japan's surrender in WW2 , it must return all territories to their previous owners. Were the Diaoyu Islands made an exception, that Japan could keep them ?

How could it be fair for the U.S. to sign a treaty with Japan, without the inclusion of China, when the subject matter was historically Chinese and stolen by Japan ? Apparently, the dispute of the Diaoyu Islands was swept under the rug, which later resurfaced. Kicking the can down the road can never be a solution. Sooner or later, the conflict will fire up again.    

Japan's war crime is not fiction. It is a historical fact. The Nanjing Massacre claimed the lives of 300,000 Chinese civilians. Japanese soldiers raped Chinese women and played games by throwing Chinese babies in the air, then stuck their guns or machetes to the butts of the babies to kill them. Comfort women made of Chinese, Koreans and other nationalities were forced to be sex slaves of the Japanese soldiers. People were buried alive.  

If Japan has the moral courage to apologize to China and the Chinese people, (and to the Korean people, actually also to other Asians and people of other nationalities), then I believe China will forgive Japan on its war crimes and atrocities. The problem is that Japan would not apologize. Instead, it's been creating tension with China. This is the major problem in the relationship between China and Japan today. Regarding the Diaoyu Islands, the U.S. has no official position, but it looks like Uncle Sam is taking side with Japan. The U.S. military alliance is with Japan, not with China.

Based on historical, legal and moral grounds, or just on moral ground, it would be better off for Japan to return the Diaoyu Islands to China. Just based on the terrible war crimes committed by Japan against China, Japan owes to China much more than just these few small islands. 

What is your opinion ? To let China take leadership in building Asia (such as through the newly formed Asia Infrastructure Investment Bank), or let Japan be the leader? Don't you know Japan is in economic deep shit, and the U.S., too ? Just using a nice-sounding terminology of Quantitative Easing cannot hide the real meaning of the action, which is printing money or creating fiat money out of thin air by the U.S. and Japanese Governments. My humble opinion is that Quantitative Easing is a problem, not a solution. It is like keep kicking a bomb down the road. Sooner or later, it will explore.

Can you see China is a hardworking builder and rising leader, and the U.S. is in heavy debt and has become a tired warrior and destroyer? Whether you like it or not (probably Uncle Sam doesn't), China is rising. My humble opinion is this: Japan has 2 choices: (1)  return the Diaoyu Islands and apologize to China, co-operate with China to develop Asia and the world, and become prosperous and peaceful together with China, Asia and the world, or (2) refuse to have the moral courage to apologize to China, and continue to create tension and the illusion that the U.S. will always come to your military protection.

I don't think the U.S. will go to war directly with China or Russia. That could mean World War Three and the end of the world. The U.S. may provide some military assistance to Japan, yes, but in the end if a war broke out between China and Japan, the dead soldiers and civilians would be largely Japanese and Chinese, not Americans. Dear Japan, please remember this: you invaded China and committed some undeniably terrible war crimes. China did not drop the two atomic bombs on you. The U.S. did. Do you want Peace or do you want War?       
I am not against Japan, the U.S. or any country. I am pro-peace and anti-war. Forgive all past mistakes. Forgive yourself and forgive all others. Start new. Be friends. Co-operate and build together, instead of fighting, killing, and causing death and destruction

I welcome any comments or ideas. If you are an international law expert, please speak up. How are we going to solve the problem PEACEFULLY regarding the Diaoyu Islands ? Would it work if Japan acknowledged the sovereignty and ownership belongs to China, and China allowed Japan to jointly administer the Diaoyu Islands for mutual benefits? Is there any Win-Win solution? PEACE TO ALL !!!


  1. The Diaoyu Islands problem is more than just the dispute between China and Japan. Let us put aside who owns the Diaoyu Islands for a while first.

    The issue is then the route of a safe passage of Chinese fleet (be it commercial or military) into the Pacific Ocean. If Diaoyu Islands remain under the control of Japan, the first island chain is complete. If China successfully reclaim these islands, it opens up a safe passage (as well as the surveillance hole). Will USA like to see that?

    The current most appropriate strategy for China is to agree to disagree with Japan (and deliberately ignoring the interference from USA) and agree to leave the problem for next 10 to 20 years. I believe by then, these islands will no longer an issue.

  2. Dear Mr. Albert Ip ... would you please explain how these islands will no longer be an issue in the next 10 to 20 years? Is it because by then, China will become a super economic power, and Japan would rather give up the islands for a piece of yummy Chinese cake, instead of keeping the islands and be excluded from the Chinese Club? The recently formed Asia Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) led by China has attracted most countries to join as founding members. The U.S. openly showed its displeasure, especially against its own major ally, the U.K. Seems the U.S. is already losing the world leadership to China.Do you think Japan would eventually own up to its war crimes against China and apologize? Your further comments will be much appreciated.
