Saturday, May 4, 2024

Religion Is A Brainwashing Tool.

Religion is a brainwashing tool to control people. In the name of God, bad people committed all kinds of evils and had them justified. There has never been any holy war, holy murder, holy genocide. You can call anything holy, but this does not necessarily make it holy. 

Edi Lee for Peace     *****    Fast Edi Thoughts and Comments.


Sunday, April 7, 2024

Australia and Canada

Australia's exports largely go to China and Canada's exports largely go to USA. Both Australia and Canada are politically dominated by the US of A, but would benefit economically to be friendly with China. At the present , Canada has rather poor relations with China, India and Russia, sigh ! 

Both Australia and Canada are trying to improve their relations with China, but are under political pressure from the US not to do so.

Edi Lee for Peace   *****   Fast Edi Thoughts and Comments  

Monday, January 8, 2024

This Year 2024

This year 2024 will be a "difficult" year in terms of global politics and economics, not to mention wars and natural disasters. In any case, we must say yes to peace and no to war.

Edi Lee for Peace   ***  Fast Edi Thoughts and Comments  

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

US - China Relations

President Xi Jinping and President Joe Biden's meeting in San Francisco has somewhat eased the tensions between the US and China. However don't expect there will be much substantial improvement soon. Still it is a good thing that the US - China relations are not getting worse. For the time being, we can breathe a sigh of relief.


Edi Lee for Peace   *****   Fast Edi Thoughts and Comments

Wednesday, November 8, 2023

War Profiteers

Human Right, Freedom and Democracy? Not really. It’s about Profits at the expense of People’s lives. You die, they laugh all the way to the bank. Goodbye!  But wait, stop don’t cry, I can hear the bell. Karma will send them to hell.

Edi Lee for Peace   *****  Fast Edi Thoughts and Comments

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Messy World

This world is far from being a world of love and peace. There are all kinds of negative and ' evil ' forces working beneath the outer appearance. The world, right now, is a mess.

Edi Lee for Peace   *****   Fast Edi Thoughts and Comments 

Saturday, October 14, 2023

Ugly World

As a collective, the humans are not truly civilized, as they still engage in warfare to kill one another. Technologically quite advanced, but spiritually still very primitive! 

Truly spiritual people live in love and peace. They do not kill one another. Sadly it is an ugly world of reality that we live in. 

Edi Lee for Peace    *** Fast Edi Thoughts and Comments