Saturday, April 13, 2019

Julian Assange (2)

April 13, 2019 --------------------------------------------------------------------- I’ve been inactive for months, but my blog Fast Edi Thoughts and Comments is not dead. Back on August 17, 2012, I wrote about Julian Assange here. Seven years later, he is back in the news. He was arrested at Ecuador’s embassy in London on Thursday. In Facebook, I asked my friends to give me their thoughts about this. Here are some of the comments: . Shame on Ecuador. . To leak the truth can be sin. . The Ecuadorian embassy shall forever smell of cat hair. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I also went through many comments from different people in YouTube. Most people were on the side of Julian Assange. Most people were against the U.S. Government and Ecuador’s new president Lenin Moreno. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Former president of Ecuador Rafael Correa slammed Lenin Moreno, the current president, accusing him of selling out to the U.S. Government, betraying his own country and jeopardizing international law of human rights and asylum. He added that Moreno did money laundering and hid his corrupted money in an offshore company in Panama, which Julian Assange knew and wrote about. The U.S. Government had made a deal with Moreno by giving him financial assistance in billions of dollars through the International Monetary Fund (IMF), and in return Moreno would and did kick Julian out of the Ecuadorian embassy in London. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ By now, the whole world knows that the Iraq War was an illegal war based on lies that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. It had no connection with 911 at all. The truth appeared to be that Saddam Hussein did not want to sell oil in U.S. Dollars, so he was taken down. Through Bradley, now Chelsea Manning, Julian Assange exposed the war crimes of the U.S., most widely known to be so in a collateral murder video, which showed that some journalists and civilians were killed by American shooting from a helicopter. So who are the war criminals? Former U.S. president George Bush, former U.S. vice president Dick Cheney, former prime minister of U.K. Tony Blair and their whole top gang! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What is my point? My point is that there is no true justice in this world. Why are war criminals not prosecuted but people who told the truth? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There is death penalty in the U.S. Also, it was a fact that CIA tortured their detainees by calling it an enhanced interrogation technique. For these reasons, I hope Julian Assange’s lawyers can fight to stop his extradition to the U.S. However, I am not too optimistic, are you? Fast Edi Thoughts and Comments

1 comment:

  1. In 2016 during the U.S. election campaign, Donald Trump said, “Oh, we love Wikileaks … Wikileaks show how crooked this whole thing is … I love reading those Wikileaks”. Today, regarding Julian Assange’s arrest, he said Wikileaks is not his thing. He doesn’t know anything about it. Oh, Mr. President !
