Friday, October 21, 2022

Is America Declining?

Is the United States of America (USA) declining? Yes, just look at these slogans used by Donald Trump and Joe Biden: Make America Great Again (MAGA), Build Back Better (BBB), Save America!  

The world is changing and changing fast. Uncle Sam can no longer be the hegemon of the world.

Edi Lee for Peace    ***   Fast Edi Thoughts and Comments  

Friday, August 5, 2022

Pelosi's Visit to Taiwan

Nancy Pelosi's sneaky visit to Taiwan was a stupid, self-glorifying and irresponsible chess move that benefits no one and endangers everyone. She openly called Taiwan a country, which is historically, factually and legally untrue. Taiwan is a part of China. 

The Chinese Government was super smart and a great chess player. It did not take the bait and shoot down Pelosi's plane as wished by many angry Chinese, possibly even a few Republican Americans.  Instead, the Chinese Government let Pelosi go to Taiwan and leave safely and then took countermeasures, including a three days' military exercise that effectively created a blockade and encirclement of Taiwan. 

Pelosi and her immediate family have been sanctioned by the Chinese Government. Hundreds of Taiwanese products for export to China have been banned from entering. Also the Chinese Government has suspended or stopped cooperating with the United States in eight different areas. US / China relations would not improve any time soon. 

Pelosi's sneaky trip to Taiwan grossly violated the sovereignty and territorial integrity of  China. She not only stepped on the red line; she crossed it. She has opened a door for China to expedite the unification with Taiwan. Seeking Taiwan independence by the separatists is not only the wrong choice; it is a stupid choice. It is a self-defeating game and a road to death.  

Fast Edi Thoughts and Comments   ***  Edi Lee for Peace    

Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Ukraine (2)

I wrote about Ukraine back on March 4,  2014. Looks like what I said back then has become tragically real. 

West Ukraine is pro-USA, NATO and the West. East Ukraine is pro-Russia. NATO broke its promise not to expand Eastwards, causing threat to Russia's security. Current president of Ukraine Zelenskyy insisted on joining NATO while Joe Biden failed to guarantee to Putin to never accept Ukraine NATO membership. 

Uncle Sam is never a peace maker. The warmongering American politicians want to " divide and conquer " and would play many tricks to prevent Russia, China, even the European Union (EU)  from becoming too strong thus losing the US' dominant position in the world. Anyway, let's pray for peace. Any way you look at the current war in Ukraine, the Ukrainians are the greatest losers and sufferers. 

Fast Edi Thoughts and Comments    ***   Edi Lee for Peace  

Sunday, January 23, 2022

Winter Olympics 2022

The so-called diplomatic boycott led by Joe Biden of USA against China's upcoming Winter Olympics has become a joke, to say the least. No U.S. Government officials were supposed to go to China, yet 18 of them, and later increased to 46, have applied for a Chinese visa to participate in the upcoming event.

To repeat what I wrote on December 8, 2021, only 20 countries at the UN followed the US' political stand against China. 173 countries supported China and the upcoming Winter Olympic Games.

I support all the athletes from China, Canada, the US and everywhere. Peace !

Fast Edi Thoughts and Comments     ***    Edi Lee for Peace