Wednesday, July 15, 2015

The U.S. Iran Nuclear Deal

The U.S. Iran nuclear deal is seen by many as President Obama's greatest diplomatic achievement. But there are also people who are adamantly against it. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu calls the deal a historic mistake. Angry war hawks and neo-con Republicans in Washington condemn it. Obama says if Congress tries to kill the deal, he will veto the opposition. Whether you think it is a bad deal, an average deal, or a good deal, it looks like it is going to be a done deal.

The geopolitics in Middle East is not a simple matter. In addition to money and power, it is further complicated by oil and religion. Sunni and oil-rich Saudi Arabia does not like Shite and oil-rich Iran. Sunni and Shite Muslims have been fighting each other to this day since the death of prophet Mohammed in 632 A.D. Arabs fight against the Jews, Persians (Iranians) and non-Arabs. Muslims fight against the Jews and Christians. Muslims fight against other Muslims. Netanyahu feels threatened by Iran's building a nuclear bomb. The Israel Palestine issue remains an unresolved conundrum. There is mess where there is oil (pun intended).The oil-rich Middle East is a big mess!

Netanyahu's accusation of Iran building a nuclear bomb has more to do with his own political fear than proven fact. There is a difference between building a nuclear bomb and having the ability to build one, not to mention that Israel itself is a nuclear power, the only one in the Middle East.

I am not saying that Netanyahu should not be concerned about Iran's ability to build a nuclear bomb. We should all be concerned. But it is untrue that Iran is actually and already building a nuclear bomb. Why does Netanyahu call this U.S. Iran nuclear deal a historic mistake, when it addresses his very concern, to forestall and prevent Iran from building a nuclear bomb?

This U.S. Iran nuclear deal is the result of hard negotiation, with the participation of Iran, the five permanent members of the UN Security Council (U.S.A., U.K., France, Russia, China) and Germany. Are these countries all stupid? Of course not. Is it pre-mature, presumptive, or prejudiced, for Netanyahu to call this nuclear deal made by these definitely-not-stupid world powers a historic mistake? Why is it a historic mistake and not a historic achievement? At the least, we must wait and see, instead of jumping to negative conclusion.

I don't blindly take side with one country against another. I always take side with peace. I am not against the U.S., Iran, Israel or any country. I am against violence, killing and war. Those who are against this U.S. Iran nuclear deal must tell us what the alternative is. If you don't choose a political and diplomatic solution, then the only alternative left is military action and war. The question is this: do you want peace, or do you want war?   

Speaking as a pacifist, there is no wrong peace. Is this U.S. Iran nuclear deal a bad deal, average deal or good deal? Since there is no wrong peace, all peace deals are better than no peace deal at all. Peace !!!      


  1. The majority of people are against Donald Trump's withdrawal of this U.S. Iran Nuclear Deal. I still think that a peace deal is better than no deal, but a few people like Benjamin Netanyahu and the neo-con war hawks would say that no deal is better than a bad deal. Good or bad,the fact is that a deal has been made, so please think about the meaning and consequence of the U.S. withdrawal. I don't have a feeling about it.

  2. I don't have a good feeling about Donald Trump's withdrawal of this deal.
