Saturday, October 22, 2016


Being a pacifist does not mean that you always stay neutral, and may never hold a position or voice an opinion. It does mean that you always support and promote peaceful solutions to all disputes and conflicts between peoples and nations. - Edi Lee for Peace.

Friday, October 14, 2016

Trump or Clinton - Who Is Worse?

I don't take side with Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton. Neither is a good candidate. Anyway, I am a Canadian, so I can't even vote. But here is the truth: private women talks about men are not always super clean either.

Trump is a man of bad words, but Clinton is a woman of bad actions. Trump's bad words didn't cause any death, but Clinton's bad actions (for example in Iraq, Libya and other places) did cause the death of many. If I were American, I would vote Bernie Sanders. Unfortunately, he was forced out by the powerful Clinton force and NDC.

It is a sad political situation in America, that you don't try to choose who is better, but to avoid who is worse. Who is worse? You decide. Good luck !

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Bob Dylan

Congratulations! Bob Dylan wins 2016 Nobel Prize for Literature. He deserves it !