Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Who is Jimmy Lai?

Who is Jimmy Lai, also known as Lai Chee-Ying in Hong Kong? He is an anti-China separatist, an Anglo-American agent and one of the top leaders in the black-terror riots and color revolution which almost destroyed Hong Kong last year.

The Chinese Government did not fall into the provocative trap by sending the People's Liberation Army to Hong Kong to crush the violent and murderous riots. Instead a National Security Law had been passed, which came to the rescue of Hong Kong. Peace and security has been largely restored.

Edi Lee for Peace ***** Fast Edi Thoughts and Comments

Saturday, December 19, 2020

Ask the Boss (2)

Boy: What is freedom of speech?
Boss: It means I am free to lie,
you are not free to tell the truth.
Boy: What is human right?
Boss: It means give me your money,
no money no right.
Boy: What is your kind of democracy?
Boss: It is one dollar one vote, not
one person one vote.
Boy: I don’t understand.
Boss: Good. 


Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Ask the Boss

Boy: What is freedom of speech ?
Boss: It means you are free to speak ill of others but not free to speak ill of me.
Boy: What is human right?
Boss: It means I am always right.
Boy: What is your kind of democracy?
Boss: It is plutocracy plus hypocrisy.
Boy: I don't understand.
Boss: Good. 

Friday, November 20, 2020

Meng Wanzhou

The case of Meng Wanzhou is not over yet. Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada, made the decision back in December 2018 to yield to the U.S. request for Ms. Meng's extradition. He treated it straightly as a legal case and said there would be no political intervention. But in reality, even from Day One, many people including myself, believe that it is not straightly a legal case. It was / is indeed very political. It is a serious matter which is very much both legal and political. ___________________________________________________ Justin said he had no regrets about Ms. Meng's arrest. This Meng Wanzhou case is a very tough one, but he would not go the easy way out by approving Ms. Meng's release. The Attorney General of Canada does have the legal authority to release her. ___________________________________________________ Canada got caught between two super powers, the U.S. and China. Justine unwisely accepted Uncle Sam's political hot potato. Ms. Meng is not a criminal. Her arrest in Canada is seen by many as a case of political kidnap and her being used as a playing chip of the U.S. against Huawei and China. Politically, Canada would side with the U.S. ___________________________________________________ Justin did the right thing, as he himself looked at the matter, but many people thought he did a stupid thing. He has damaged the many years of good relations between Canada and China.

Monday, November 2, 2020

US Election 2020

In 2016, I predicted that Donald Trump would win and he did. This time, I don't know. However, I think that if Donald Trump lost to Joe Biden, he would not concede defeat. There would be riots and chaos, even civil war, some said. The whole world is watching.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Steve Bannon and Miles Quo

Steve Bannon, President Trump's former advisor, was arrested on fundraising fraud charges in a US$35 million luxurious yacht in Connecticut. __________________________________________________ Guess who is the owner of the yacht? It is Guo Wen Qui [ 郭文貴 ], a.k.a. Miles Guo. Guo is the wealthy but corrupted Chinese billionaire businessman and fugitive wanted by the Chinese Government. He is an anti-Chinese-Communist-Party [CCP/CPC] activist and anti-China traitor. He supported the political riots and color revolution orchestrated by the CIA against China in Hong Kong last year. He got caught video talking to an anti-China HK political figure Leung Chung Hung [梁頌恒],assuring Leung that he had close connection with high-level US political establishment [Bannon et al] and would provide all necessary political and financial support to bring down the CCP and to separate HK from China. __________________________________________________ Guo and Bannon have a close financial and political relationship against the CCP and China. Bannon is one of the China-bashing leaders in the US. He even remotely directed the political riots and color revolution in Hong Kong last year. __________________________________________________ Would Bannon go to jail? What do you think? __________________________________________________ Edi Lee for Peace *** Fast Edi Thoughts and Comments

Friday, July 24, 2020

China / US Tit for Tat

China's consulate in Houston, Texas has some 60 workers. Being forced to close it on short notice of only 72 hours, China retaliated by ordering the US to close its consulate in Chengdu. ___________________________________________________ In Hong Kong, the US consulate has thousands of workers. If you insist that a consulate is usually also a center of espionage, then you must say that the US consulate in Hong Kong is the super American spy center in the world. And it is. Since the National Security Law came into effect, I heard the number of staff members has been reduced. ___________________________________________________ There are 85,000 Americans living and working in Hong Kong. Besides the US consulate workers, CIA agents in HK would take the cover roles of being a teacher, journalist, news reporter, merchant, NGO worker, etc. etc. But you know what their real work is. Many Hongkongers would like to see the US consulate in HK closed. ___________________________________________________ Edi Lee for Peace *** Fast Edi Thoughts and Comments

Thursday, July 23, 2020

To wear or not to wear?

To wear or not to wear? That's the question in fighting the Corona virus. Not only an issue of wearing a mask or not, just about any issue big or small would provoke American fights and arguments. ___________________________________________________ This used-to-be great country called the 'United' States of America has become very 'divisive'. It is no longer united. No thanks to Trump and his gangster-like but worse administration, America is not becoming great again. Instead, Trump is quickening the decline and possible collapse of the US of A. Trump is not making America great again. He with his China-bashing team has been trying to stop or slow down China's becoming great again. ___________________________________________________ Not only has the US become very divisive and unstable, so has the world. Whether you are in America or not, tough time is lying ahead. Take care! ___________________________________________________ Edi Lee for Peace *** Fast Edi Thoughts and Comments

Friday, July 10, 2020

National Security Law

Since the National Security Law came into effect, Hong Kong is no longer a freewheeling spy center of the world. Domestic and foreign anti-China forces in HK can no longer 'freely' operate and make troubles and chaos to separate HK from China. __________________________________________________ The year-long US led political riots and color revolution against China almost destroyed HK. The 'One Country Two Systems' has survived, but the wishful thinking to turn China and HK into 'Two Countries Two Systems' has failed. __________________________________________________ Hong Kong is an inseparable part of China. It was all anti-China political BS to deny this fact. It was futile trying to make HK independent. It would and did fail. __________________________________________________ Cancellation or suspension of extradition agreements by some countries with HK is not surprising. Nor is it surprising that the National Security Law came into effect. Certainly the anti-China separatists and foreign spies don't like it, but there are millions of Hongkongers who cheered and celebrated that the Chinese Government has finally come to their rescue. They have had enough of the violent, destructive and terrifying riots. Law and order are being restored. They now feel safe to wave the China flag and sing China's national anthem without fear of being beaten up by the anti-China thugs and separatists. __________________________________________________ Beware that the National Security Law has taken away one's 'freedom' to commit serious crimes of secession, sedition, terrorism, and collusion with external powers to endanger the security of HK, China. Freedom is not absolute and unlimited. It doesn't include the 'freedom' to commit a crime without paying for the consequence. __________________________________________________ All countries have national security laws. The US has more than 20 such legislations. Yet China may not pass a national security law to protect the sovereignty and security of China including HK which is part of China? Why only talk about some 20 plus Western countries against this National Security Law but ignore some 50 plus countries at UN which support it? What right do foreign countries have to tell a country, in this case China, not to pass a national security law to protect itself? Can I tell you to leave your doors wide open to 'freely' let the strangers, thieves, burglars, spies and criminals of all kinds come into your home? Peace! __________________________________________________ Edi Lee for Peace *** Fast Edi Thoughts and Comments

Friday, June 19, 2020

US / China Relations

The US / China relations at the present are very bad. It does no good to the people of both countries, even negatively affects the whole world. Some countries are caught between the two super powers having a hard time deciding in which direction to move. __________________________________________________ Edi Lee for Peace *** Fast Edi Thoughts and Comments

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Hong Kong Question (2): What does Free Hong Kong mean?

Regarding 'Free Hong Kong', when the word Free is used as an adjective, it means one thing. It means Hong Kong is one of the freest places on earth, even freer than USA, the so-called land of the free. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ When the word Free is used as a verb, it means something else. It is part of a political slogan used by the anti-China separatists in Hong Kong. They wave independent flags and banners shouting 'Free Hong Kong, Revolution of our Time'. In essence, it has little to do with the abundant freedom which Hong Kong already has. The Pro-Democracy Movement (PDM) is rather a US-backed color revolution, a Pro-Destruction Madness (PDM) to bring down the HK Government and even the Chinese Communist Party.The separatists want to seize power and free Hong Kong from China, which is nothing but a political pipedream. Hong Kong is an inseparable part of China, a Special Administrative Region (SAR) with a very high degree of autonomy. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Some separatists say that they just want China to leave Hong Kong alone. They complain that China is turning the promise of 'One Country Two Systems' into 'One Country One System'. This is far from the truth. While keeping the promise of 'One Country Two Systems', China does not and shall not allow it to become 'Two Countries Two Systems'. Hong Kong may keep its own system, but it may not turn the one country China or the two systems into two countries. China has given Hong Kong a very high degree of autonomy, but the separatists want a 100% autonomy, which is independence. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ The separatists led by the so-called freedom fighters or democracy activists include the opposition party politicians and people from different walks of lives. These separatist leaders have direct link to the highest level of the US Government. They include Jimmy Lai, Martin Lee, Anson Chan, Joshua Wong and others. They are pro-democracy American heroes, but to the normal Hongkongers, they are nothing but useful idiots of Uncle Sam and despicable traitors to their own country China. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Do all Hongkongers support the separation of Hong Kong from China? No. The recent China’s National Security Law put forward by the National People’s Congress has received the signed support of almost 3 million Hongkongers. They cheered and celebrated. They’ve had enough of the non-stop violent riots and PDM which started in June last year. They are fed up with the separatists’ Larm Chow (see HK Question (1) for its meaning). 'Free Hong Kong' continues to be free. But no to treason, secession, subversion, sedition, terrorism and foreign interference! Goodbye traitors, separatists, foreign spies, terrorists, rioters, revolutionists, thugs and criminals! Please leave Hong Kong or run the risk of being captured and sent to trial, and if found guilty, to jail. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Edi Lee for Peace *** Fast Edi Thoughts and Comments

Friday, May 29, 2020

Hong Kong Question (1): What is Larm Chow (攬炒)? _________________________________________________ What is Larm Chow (Cantonese) or Lan Chao (Mandarin)? It means ‘keep stirring and frying’. It refers to the politically mad actions of the anti-China separatists, to make troubles and chaos by all means, and with no restraint, even to bring Hong Kong to complete destruction. It is a crazy concept that you burn down your own house and then build a new one. Destroy Hong Kong and build a new Hong Kong. What a stupid idea! It just doesn’t work! _________________________________________________ Edi Lee for Peace *** Fast Edi Thoughts and Comments

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Corona Virus Politics

So much political BS and China bashing! While attacking China's lack of transparency, the US is much less than being transparent. ______________________________________________________________________________________ As soon as China had verified that it was a new Corona virus, it immediately released the information and warning to the World Health Organization(WHO)and the whole world in late December 2019 and early January 2020, including the US. Trump did not take quick action to effectively deal with the virus. Instead he distracted his own incompetence and failure to blaming China and the WHO. ______________________________________________________________________________________ Pompeo, like his boss liar Trump, said the CIA got significant evidence that the virus came from a Chinese lab in Wuhan, then later said he was not certain that it came from a Chinese lab in Wuhan. Talking about labs, would the US allow international investigators to investigate the deadly bio weapon lab in Fort Detrick, Maryland which was closed down in August 2019 due to safety concern? ______________________________________________________________________________________ Would the US allow international investigators to get to the bottom, the alive or dead conditions of the American soldiers who went to Wuhan for the international military sports competition in October 2019? Being a sports country, how come the US team ranked only 35 and performed so poorly? Their hotel was right near by the wet market. What was their real mission to go to Wuhan? Is it true that Maatji Benassi, one of the American soldiers a biker athlete, and other soldiers got sick and some died on return to the US? Was it just a coincidence that Matt Benassi another soldier got sick? Was it yet another coincidence that the first Corona virus victim in Holland was Ben Benassi? Did the American soldiers bring the Corona virus to Wuhan or catch it in and from Wuhan? ______________________________________________________________________________________ How did the navy in Aircraft carriers Roosevelt and Reagan, without going to China, catch the Corona virus? A Japanese couple went to Hawaii, not China, and caught the virus there. So many such no China visit yet caught the virus stories! ______________________________________________________________________________________ More and more facts indicated that the origin of the new virus is not Wuhan. The fact that it broke out in Wuhan does not necessarily mean the virus originated there. Scientific reports from Japan, Taiwan and UK showed that the strain in Wuhan was not of the first generation, while the US had all the generation strains. The virus strain that broke out in New York did not even come from China but Europe. ______________________________________________________________________________________ Latest scientific reports showed that some people got the virus in the US, France and Japan way before it broke out in Wuhan. When the CDC Director Robert Redfield was questioned by US Congress, he admitted that the Corona virus was mis-categorized as the common flu. In other words, some or many of those who died from a common flu or vaping rather died from the Corona virus. All these mean that this new virus did not "originate" in Wuhan. But where? It would take a long time for the medical scientists to find out. I trust the scientists, not what the politicians said. ______________________________________________________________________________________ Regarding masks, do you not know that Trump did not allow 3M made US masks to be exported to Canada? Do you not know that the US stopped some purchased masks going to Germany and diverted it to the US? Do you not know that California and some states couldn't wait for the Federal Government to lead and help, and directly ordered many masks from China? Do you not know that China sent medical teams and masks and medical equipment to help many countries, yet the China bashers accused China of playing mask diplomacy and all the political bullshit?! Do you know China stepped up with the mass production of masks to meet the demand and need of the world? ______________________________________________________________________________________ Do you understand how much financial sacrifice that China made, to lock down Wuhan with a population of more than 10 million people, to prevent the virus from spreading to other parts of China and beyond? Do you know China did all the virus testing, provided all the health care treatment, to save the lives of its people of all ages, and did not put money ahead of human lives, all for free?! I heard one real case in the US, that a woman after the new virus treatment, was given a bill of US$35,000. Are you proud and happy that the US health care system is a profit based system? I feel lucky that I live in Canada. Our health care system does not put profit ahead of human lives. ______________________________________________________________________________________ Do you not know that some election strategy papers leaked out of the Republican Party, that instructed all Republicans to blame the whole virus pandemic on China, and to characterize Joe Biden as pro China? ______________________________________________________________________________________ My friends, we are talking about a virus which doesn't have a nationality. It doesn't really matter where it came from, it is a global enemy. We should cooperate and fight the virus, not BS blaming one another. It is absurd to demand financial damages from China. Do you know how many people in the world died from H1N1 in 2009 which started in the US? What about the financial collapse which started in the US in 2008? What about all the wars created by the US which caused the death and suffering of millions upon millions of people? Should the US pay damages to the whole world? There is so much more to say, but I'll leave it to your own intelligence and conscience to make a fair judgement. Stop blaming others, review your own performance! There won't be agreement or mutual understanding possible, if one stubbornly holds on to one's political ideology and position, which caused blindness to facts and reasons. Peace ! ______________________________________________________________________________________

Sunday, April 19, 2020


The dark side of politics is more deadly than a virus. Not only can it hurt and kill, it can also create an illusion that lie is truth and truth is lie. It can destroy friendship, family and country. Edi Lee for Peace. Fast Edi Thoughts and Comments.

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Ceasefire Please

I support Antonio Guterres, UN Secretary General, who called for immediate global ceasefire in all corners of the world. Our common enemy at the present is the Corona Virus COVID-19. Say no to war, yes to peace. Thank you. ____________________________________________________ Edi Lee for Peace. Fast Edi Thoughts and Comments.

Monday, January 20, 2020

Fake News

Beware, much of today's news is a mixture of facts, fiction and twisted narratives. Facts they are, but distorted, biased or incomplete. News reporting today would be turned into disinformation and political propaganda. The worst would be outright lies. Yes, we live in an age of fake news!

Sunday, January 12, 2020


I said it before and I say it again: I have an uncomfortable feeling about 2020. Something really bad will happen. Hope I am wrong.