Sunday, October 26, 2014

Shooting in Ottawa

However you thought regarding the shooting on Parliament Hill, that it was a crime, an act of terrorism, a war with ISIS on home soil, a crazy act of religious extremism carried out by a radicalized Zehal-Bisbeau, or whatever, October 22, 2014 was definitely not an ordinary day.  

By now, we know that the fallen soldier was Nathan Cirillo. Condolences to his family and loved ones !  Thanks to Kevin Vickers, Sergeant-at-Arms of the Canadian Parliament, Zehal-Bisbeau was taken out. Kevin is hailed as a national hero of Canada.

It could have been much worse, as it happened not only outside, but also inside the Parliament of Canada. This tragic incident is a wake up call for Canada, that it is not immune to this kind of crazy shooting, which would and did happen in the U.S. and other countries. New security measures should be discussed and implemented by the Government of Canada, especially to protect the Parliament, which is the heart of Canadian democracy and the central work place of the Canadian Government leaders.

I was impressed by what I saw, when Prime Minister Stephen Harper walked over to shake hands with and embrace the opposition leaders Justin Trudeau and Tom Mulcair. That was so Canadian, so civilized, so ministerial. Thumbs up this time to Harper!        

A Canadian song of the Great Big Sea comes to mind. It is called Ordinary Day. Certainly, as said earlier, October 22, 2014 was definitely not an ordinary day. However, the song lyrics still provide some good advice, which said " At the end of the day, you've just got to say it's all right."  It's all right, Canada. Let's move on ! 


Being alone is not being lonely. Unlike a child, a spiritually mature person doesn't always need company and protection. He or she is a self-sufficient and happy person.

Saturday, October 18, 2014


The United States has contrived the Ebola scare to manipulate the American public and control the resource-rich West Africa region, a political commentator in California says.

In an interview with Press T.V., Professor James Henry Fetzer said, “The United States has fallen into the practice of using scare tactics to manipulate the American public both with respect to domestic issues and foreign affairs."

There are all kinds of conspiracy theories flying around, including one which says that Ebola was deliberately created and exaggerated to scare the public, and to reduce the population in west Africa.

Conspiracy theories were not all theories. Some turned out to be true. Sending thousands of U.S. troops to west Africa to deal with a disease smells fishy to me.Can anybody throw some light on this matter? Thanks!    

Friday, October 17, 2014

Lock and Key

Why did you ask me for my lock ?

What is the use if I gave you my lock, but I kept my key and treasure box ?
Be yourself, and let me be myself.
Together we can open the lock.You will be amazed by what is inside my treasure box.    

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Hong Kong Protest

It's amazing that the pro-democracy movement in Hong Kong so far has been largely non-violent. If this kind of protest and stand-off happened in the U.S., or in Beijing, the police would have already opened fire and shot the students dead. I still hope peace and calm will prevail in H.K., but I am a bit worried.

Young people in Hong Kong are not stupid, but they need to learn more about history, economics and the geopolitics where they live, and in the world, and be aware of some hidden or not-too-obvious dark forces in the U.S. and other countries, which keep creating troubles and conflicts everywhere, to screw up other countries for selfish financial and power gains. There are people who do not want to see a united and rising China.

American democracy has become a plutocracy. It is free and democratic, yes, but it has become more a plutocracy than a democracy for the good of the common people. The elites work for the rich and powerful, not for the common people. Is that what you want ?

Dear Hong Kong people: Britain was your old master and your past. China is your distant past and future, not your enemy. You don't even pay federal taxes to Beijing, while Americans have to pay taxes to Uncle Sam wherever they live. Think about it.

Beijing, H.K. Government, pro-China and pro-democracy people, please be rational and don't screw it all up. Don't shoot your own foot. Good luck !!!

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Asian Love

Believe it or not, Asians would find it awkward to say " I love you " to their loved ones, even to their parents, spouse or children, especially in their own language. Saying " I love you " in English would be less awkward, but still they would rather express their love in other words, or by action. All said, this is not an absolute truth, so please don't think that it applies to ALL Asians. I love you, peace !!!

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Incompetent World Leaders

Our world leaders are very good in making wars and troubles, but are very incompetent in making peace. They have very little or no spiritual I.Q. (a term I coined). Instead of talking to one another to find peaceful solutions, they keep screwing one another. They don't work well with one another, but repeatedly work against one another like different gangs, always fighting for control and influence in different territories, even in distant lands far away from home. 

War is an evil, the worst kind of organized crime. War is an extremely profitable business to a few people, but sadly, at the expense of many peoples' life and death. Only love and universal brotherhood can save this world and bring peace. Did you notice that when our world leaders said they were going to bring peace, they were rather making even more wars? This world is a big mess !!!

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

October The First

October 1 (Wed), 2014: today is Jimmy Carter's birthday. He is 90 years old. Happy Birthday, Mr. President !!!

Today is also the national day of China. The celebration is dampened by the pro-democracy movement in Hong Kong. It is unlikely that the Chinese Government in Beijing will back down, but the protesters also stand firm on the ground, demanding Leung Chun Ying, the current chief executive of Hong Kong to step down. In any case, I hope peace and calm will prevail, and pray that there will be no violence and bloodshed.

Jimmy Carter is a Nobel Peace Prize winner. Here are his words: " My position has always been, along with many people, that any differences be resolved in a non violent way ". Peace !!!