Saturday, February 28, 2015

Smart Up and Dumb Down

I believe that Religion can dumb you down, and Science can smart you up. My belief is based on many years of diligent studies, observations, and personal experiences.

I don't mean to tell you to give up Religion altogether. I am saying that Religion is like wine. Abstinence can do you no harm. Moderation may do some good to your health. Over consumption can lead to death, yours and others.

Religion and Spirituality are not the same thing. Religion separates and imprisons people. Spirituality unites and liberates people. Spirituality is true religion, and Religion is false spirituality. Religious people would become violent and go to war to kill others. Spiritual people are non-violent and peace-loving. I hope I am not confusing you.

All said, it is only my view of looking at science, religion and spirituality. You may disagree with me and have a different view. It's O.K. I believe in freedom of choice. I am only sharing my thoughts and comments with you. I just don't care whether you are a theist, atheist, or agnostic, as long as you are a peaceful and reasonable person. Love and Peace to all !!!

Friday, February 27, 2015

Good Bye Mr. Spock

Leonard Nimoy, Spock of Star Trek, has died. He was 83 years old.

RIP Leonard, Mr. Spock !!!

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Swastika On Hindu Temple

In the news, a group of vandals painted racist graffiti on the wall of a Hindu temple in Bothell,Washington State, U.S.A. It seems that the stupid racists did not understand the difference between Hinduism and Islam, as the graffiti included not only a Swastika, but also the words of  'Muslims' and 'Get out'. As Cenk of TYT in Youtube suggested, they were idiot racists who hated brown people.  
The Swastika is offensive to people, more particularly to the Jewish people, because of the Holocaust, and that the Nazi had stolen this old peaceful symbol and turned it into something bad in modern time. On the contrary, the Swastika is not a symbol of evil. It has always been used as a peaceful symbol with much good will and positive meanings for thousands of years. You can find the Swastika used in many religions and cultures, including Buddhism, Hinduism, Raelism, Aboriginals and Native Americans, even in old Jewish temple. Just do some searching in Google and Youtube, to learn more about the Swastika.

It is an irony, even stupidity, to write a Swastika on the wall of a Hindu Temple and tell the temple goers to get lost, when it rather means 'good wishes to you'. Racism is ignorance. It grows out of fear, not love. Writing a Swastika on a Hindu Temple is like drawing a Cross on a Christian Church. Stupid racists !!!  

War Movie

Making a war movie can be fun,
Making a war in real life is not fun. It cannot be !!!

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Greece and China

In the news, 3 Chinese warships have arrived in Athens for visit.

My thoughts and comments:

The Eastern Civilization was much influenced by the Chinese Culture, and the Western Civilization was much influenced by the Greek Culture. Right now, Greece is having a very tough financial time. The country is near bankruptcy, and it may leave the EU (?). Who is going to help Greece? Greece may have to turn East to China for help.

It is already happening, that China has been investing billions of dollars in Greece, from railways to sea port, and from container terminal to air port, etc. etc. Allowing foreign navy and warships to visit your country is a good sign of friendship and acceptance. I always feel happy to see countries make deals and secure agreements peacefully, instead of fighting, killing, engaging in warfare and screwing one another.

Happy New Year of the Sheep. Peace to the World !


Thursday, February 12, 2015

Stop Looking For Happiness

Stop looking for happiness, and you will be happy. It is already within yourself.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Primitive Ways

Fighting, killing and war are primitive ways of solving problems, not intelligent and civilized ways. 

Kill all wars, not people !!!

Monday, February 9, 2015

I Love Vancouver

I love Vancouver. It is one of the warmest cities in Canada.

10 of the 11 warmest cities in Canada are in British Columbia. The top 5 are Chilliwack, Vancouver, Abbotsford, Nainamo and Victoria, all in B.C. Annual average temperature in these Top 5 cities is approximately 10 C  ( 50 F ) or more.   

You have probably heard that Vancouver is always wet and rainy. This is quite untrue. It is rather a bias or false perception, not a fact. Yes, Vancouver can be wet and rainy, but it is not one of the rainiest cities in Canada. It is not even in the Top 10. The Top 5 rainiest cities in Canada are Prince Rupert, B.C., St. Johns, Newfoundland; Corner Brook, Newfoundland; Terrace, B.C., and Saquenay, Quebec. These Top 5 rainiest cities in Canada have approximately 200 rainy days or more annually.  

Vancouver is one of the most liveable cities in the world. Typical complaint about Vancouver is the very expensive real estate prices and housing costs there. I would say that this is true, not a bias or false perception. But to say that Vancouver is always wet and rainy is quite untrue.

If you are financially well-off, where do you want to live?  

Monday, February 2, 2015

Top Mayor 2014

Naheed Nenshi beat out 25 other finalists and became the top mayor of the world 2014. 

Naheed is the mayor of Calgary, Canada. He was first elected in 2010 and became the first Muslim mayor of a major city in North America.

Congratulations !

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Economic Freedom

In the news, the U.S. ranks 12 in a report of Economic Freedom by the Heritage Foundation. These are the top five with the most Economic Freedom: (1) Hong Kong, (2) Singapore, (3) New Zealand, (4) Australia, (5) Switzerland.

Canada is (6), which is not bad. The falling of Oil Price and the value of Loonie is good news to some, but bad news to others. There is no perfect country on Earth. On the whole, Canada is still a great country to live in. What do you think ?