I don't mean to tell you to give up Religion altogether. I
am saying that Religion is like wine. Abstinence can do you no harm. Moderation
may do some good to your health. Over consumption can lead to death, yours and
Religion and Spirituality are not the same thing. Religion
separates and imprisons people. Spirituality unites and liberates people.
Spirituality is true religion, and Religion is false spirituality. Religious
people would become violent and go to war to kill others. Spiritual people are
non-violent and peace-loving. I hope I am not confusing you.
All said, it is only my view of looking at science, religion
and spirituality. You may disagree with me and have a different view. It's O.K.
I believe in freedom of choice. I am only sharing my thoughts and comments with
you. I just don't care whether you are a theist, atheist, or agnostic, as long
as you are a peaceful and reasonable person. Love and Peace to all !!!