Sunday, December 18, 2011

Door of Freedom

Maybe the door of freedom is right in front of you, but you lack courage to open it and step out, because you get used to the comfortable prison where you have lived for too long.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Apple and Orange

I am neither an apple nor an orange. Please be yourself and stop comparing. Develop your own consciousness and be unique and different.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Speed of Light

Science fiction of yesterday becomes scientific fact of today. Impossibility of today becomes reality of tomorrow. Is it true that nothing can travel faster than light ? Untrue ! This belief held by the majority of people is being proved wrong. Yes, even Einstein could be wrong, or should we respectfully say that he didn't know ? Neutrino, a subatomic particle, is showing evidence that it can travel faster than the speed of light. If you ask me, I'll tell you that this is indeed how the advanced extraterrestrials are able to travel so fast, across very long distance in space, to visit other planets including Earth.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

World Leaders

We need world leaders with a large brain and a big heart, but instead we get too many with a big mouth telling big lies and making big empty promises.

We need peace makers, but instead we get warriors. Peace prize should be given to the peace makers, but instead we give it to the war makers.

Why Marry ?

Why marry one ? Why not marry all or marry none ?

Friday, November 11, 2011

Rick Perry

Rick Perry is done. Uh Uh Uh ... sounds like Bush !!! Sorry to say that going to Letterman and do the top 10 won't save you. You caused your own damage and political suicide. Please consider to follow Palin instead . You'll have money, fame and fun in the celebrity box, but very little chance in the political box. Bieber is your Dad ? It's not even funny !!!

No More Soldiers

Kill all wars, not people !!! All the soldiers have become unemployed, really ? Congratulations ! Let's not only remember; now we can truly celebrate. Let's sing: all we need is love,love,love is all we need ♥ :)))

Sunday, November 6, 2011


So much B.S. If you did it, it was torture. If I did it, or if my boss told me to do it, then it was not torture.

If you did water boarding on a suspect, it was drowning torture. If I did it, it was only an enhanced interrogation technique. If you did it, it was a crime. If I did it, or if my boss told me to do it, then it was not a crime.

I am not asking for your opinion. I am telling you that torturing a human being, including water boarding, is immoral, unethical, inhumane and illegal. It is definitely against human rights and is very wrong.

Thursday, November 3, 2011


The most honorable job for a man is being a father. He does not get paid. Instead, he must pay to keep his job.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Hillary on Gaddafi's Death

We must never laugh at the death of a human being. So sad, so bad, to see Hillary Clinton being so jubilant over the death of Gaddafi. " We came, we saw, he died." ? What about the question on who killed Gaddafi ? Could it be " You went, you knew, you killed." ?!

Friday, October 21, 2011

Husband and Wife

A friend of mine complains about her husband. She says being a wife makes her feel like she is the man's half-a-mother and half-a-whore. It makes me laugh. Maybe her husband feels like he is her half-a-daddy and half-an-obedient-son. Sometimes I wonder: is Marriage about Love or what ?

Saturday, October 15, 2011


While politics itself is a dirty game, a blood sport, politicians are not without responsibility to maintain their integrity, and if necessary prove their being ethical, fair and law-abiding.Which politicians do you know who entered a mud pond and came out spotlessly clean ?

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Religion and Politics (2)

What I don't like is that they bring Religion into Politics. It makes the already dirty game stink!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Universal Love and World Peace

A friend in Canada asks me why I sound so negative in talking about America. He questions why I seem to be so anti-America. And then a friend in U.S.A. argues with me that America is the richest country in the world (which is untrue) and that he is very proud to be an American.

Here is my brief answer: I am not anti-America or any country. I love all peoples, the whole humanity. I am against all wars and killings. I am against all religious and political bullshit. I support and promote universal love and world peace, a world of abundant resources to meet the need of everyone, not the greed of a few... Amen !!!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Not My Type

Man: I love you very much. Will you marry me ?
Woman: Sorry you are not my type.
One month later
Man: I've won the lottery.I've become a multi-millionaire.
Woman: Really ? Sure, I'll marry you.
Man: Sorry you are not my type.

Monday, September 26, 2011

America: Land of the Rich

Whoever said " America is land of the rich, by the rich, for the rich " seems to be telling the truth. How can 5% controlling 95% be a democracy ? Is USA a plutocracy ? What has USA become or what is it becoming ? I would like to hear from you.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Just a ride

Be true to yourself. Everything else comes and goes. As Bill Hicks said: it's just a ride !!!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Philosophy of Life

Here is my paradoxical philosophy of life: everything counts, nothing seems to matter.

What really matters is LOVE, above everything else !

Friday, September 2, 2011


Rejoice, they are all dead and you are still alive !

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Religion and Science

While old religions keep dragging people backward, science continues to move things forward. Progress is a forward movement. Science trumps Religion every time !

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Song and Apple

An apple a day keeps the doctor away. A song a day keeps the shrink away.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Welcome to Canada

Dear American friends: when USA was under the Bush administration, some Americans pretended to be Canadians when they travelled, yes, to avoid being shot at by the terrorists. Now Obama is having a hard time trying to put his "yes we can" to work: 14 million Americans are unemployed, over 4 trillions of dollars are owing in foreign debts, not to mention very expensive cost in health care.Do you want to come to Canada ? Mind you, we still have a Queen, if that doesn't bother you.

Friday, July 1, 2011

American and Chinese ABC

American C means Capable, B equals Brilliant, A is Awesome !

Chinese C means Crap, B equals Bad, A is Acceptable !

You don't think so, do you? Well, Tiger Mom Amy Chua will certainly agree with me !

Sunday, June 26, 2011


The argument about the future is rather futile, especially on a personal level. The future of every living human being is the same, which is DEATH. The big question is not about this life, but what will happen or not happen after our physical death. There are certainly many theories or propositions available for you to choose from. These theories and propositions came from many different sources, including philosophy, metaphysics, religion and science. It is up to yourself to pick the one that makes the most sense to you. You can even create your own theory and proposition. Meanwhile, before the future arrives, please enjoy your life, the here and now, and be very happy !!!

Saturday, June 25, 2011


Nothing is new.It's all about money and power, a game of politics and economics at the expense of people's health and well-being. Ban the use of Asbestos at home in Canada because it is an unsafe material and health hazard, but sell it to the Indians and developing countries and let the foreigners die.

Why does the Harper Government keep blocking international consensus in labeling asbestos as a dangerous element? Correct me if I am wrong, but I believe it is because the largest producers and exporters of asbestos in Canada are in Quebec.Will the Harper Government kill the asbestos industry in Quebec just because some poor Indian workers may get sick and die? Of course not. Will the Harper Government worry about the death of some foreigners more than the potential separation of Quebec from Canada? I don't think so.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Hockey Riot

So bad so sad, not because the Canucks of Vancouver has lost the Stanley Cup to the Bruins of Boston, but rather the hockey riot has tarnished the beautiful image of Vancouver. Why such madness ? It is the loss of Stanley Cup, not Stanley Park !

Best Friend

Who is your best friend ? You are your own best friend !

Monday, June 6, 2011

Stop Harper

By now, that picture of Brigette DePape holding a Stop Harper Sign has become an iconic image. Brigette is the 21-year-old Senate page who walked out in front of Governor General David Johnston holding that sign as he read the throne speech.

There are different opinions about Brigette's action. Some think it is highly inappropriate and disrespectful.Others think she is inspirational and courageous.

I agree with Brigette that Canadian values would not favor military spending and war activities in foreign countries, while not paying attention and taking action to protect the environment at home.

In some countries, a person who would dare to do what Brigette did would be arrested and put to jail, even killed. Oh Canada, how I love thee !!!

This is my opinion: Brigette is not a villain. She is a heroine !!!

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Love and Fear

Join the Love Society, not the Fear Club. Good Luck !!!

Monday, May 30, 2011


Separation is an illusion. We are all inter-connected. We are different parts of the same ONENESS forever and ever into eternity!

Saturday, May 28, 2011


Bullets and Bombs are not the answers. Love and Peace are.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Is Lady Gaga a man ?

Is Lady Gaga a man? Is she an inter-sex or hermaphrodite ?

Some religious, conservative and primitive people have no love, no spirituality and no scientific understanding, yet they think they are superior and normal. They discriminate against the gay people, bi-sexual people and trans-gender people, but I have found that some of the greatest artists and musicians are actually these people.

What is the true meaning of Lady Gaga's song 'Born This Way'? Do you know anything about the rumor that Lady Gaga is partly a man ? I am just curious. Whatever Lady Gaga is, she is marvelous !!!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

No Fly Zone

NO FLY ZONE in Libya ? Why not create a NO FIGHT ZONE instead ? It is especially long overdue in the Middle East.

On second thought, it is long overdue for the whole damn world. Make the whole world a NO FIGHT ZONE, the sooner the better!!!

American News

It is true. There are many T.V. and radio talking heads in USA who wear the label of being a journalist or news reporter, but they don't really report news. They tend to dramatize, moralize, sensationalize or humorize events.

In addition to watching news on mainstream American T.V. channels, Americans should also watch other T.V. news and news on the internet, in order to get some non-American viewpoints, and to have a better understanding about the fast-changing world we live in today.

In brief, Hollywood is not the world. Washington is not the world. America is not the whole world. In terms of world population, U.S.A. is only 5% of the world.

Friday, February 4, 2011

True or False ?

USA is a free and democratic country - True.
The mission of USA is to spread freedom and democracy to the world - False.

The Pope covered up the sexual crimes committed by his bishops and priests - True.
The Pope is infallible - False.

UFOs are real - Some are, some are not.

Am I telling you the Truth ? Yes.
Do I know everything ? No.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Kill All Wars

Kill all wars, not people. PEACE !!!