Saturday, September 26, 2009

Negative and Positive People

Some people are so negative that when they appear,the temperature drops, the air feels stuffy, and the light dims.The surroundings become dark and cold.

On the contrary, some people are so positive that when they appear, the surroundings become warm and bright, and the air smells fresh and aromatic.

Negative people can pull you down and drain your energy. Positive people can lift you up and give you energy.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Religion and Spirituality

To me,Religion is false Spirituality, and Spirituality is true Religion.Religion separates and imprisons people.Spirituality unites and liberates people.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

GOD means Gun, Oil and Drug

In the news, 1 out of 4 homeowners and renters in U.S.A. are late in mortgage or rental payments. America, America, what have you done ? Where is this God who is supposed to bless America ? The truth is that there is no God who bless America or any country. The mess in this world was rather created by the humans themselves. GOD to some people means Gun,Oil and Drug.