Sunday, December 28, 2014

Canada and Miserable Humans

Canada may not be as neutral and peaceful as you think. It is only a joke that everything is made in China. Canada creates not only syrup and hockey stars. It also creates weapons and killing machines for profits. War is an extremely profitable business that Canada has now got itself into.

Forgive my cynicism about Canada's foreign policy, which now largely follows that of Uncle Sam. Let's talk policy is no more. Let's drop a bomb has become a life-killing but money-making policy. Diplomacy doesn't pay. Destruction does. Miserable humans !!!

Thursday, December 25, 2014

White Americans and Racism

Lip T.V. published a video in Youtube, which said six million White Americans have some African ancestry, according to a new study, which looked at the genetic records of 145,000 people, using the genetic testing service

All I want to say is this: Racism is ignorance. It grows out of Fear, not Love.

By the way, just wait for a few more decades, and you will see that White Americans will become the minority in U.S.A. 

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

North American Cops

Canadian cops are more gentle than American cops.

My disclaimer is this: a general truth is not an absolute truth. There are good cops in the U.S. just as there are bad cops in Canada

You can find police brutality in both countries, but racism seems to be a much bigger problem in the U.S. than in Canada. 

Sunday, December 21, 2014

I Don't Care

Success doesn't mean you don't really care. It means you are able to say I Don't Care with ease and confidence. If you disagree with me, I don't care ! 

Saturday, December 13, 2014

American Politics

American politics is a two-headed snake (or eagle, if you wish). Whether you give your vote to the Republicans or the Democrats, you end up with the same old snake. The snake doesn't work for the common people, but the rich and powerful. When money and power are the priority, people become much less important.

Friday, December 12, 2014

Torture (2)

Back on November 6, 2011, I wrote about Torture in my blog ' Fast Edi Thoughts and Comments'. More particularly, I wrote about the so-called enhanced interrogation techniques used by the CIA against the suspected terrorists, which had been approved by Dick Cheney and George Bush, and supported by their obedient gang.

Torture was / is against the Geneva Convention, human rights and international laws. War crimes were committed, but who would be held responsible, prosecuted and brought to justice? Yet another example of American Double Standard and Exceptionalism! Uncle Sam would do, and did, bad things to others, but nobody seems to have the guts or means to bring him to justice.

A CIA Torture Report is out. President Obama admits that the U.S. did many things right, but torture was wrong, but what is he going to do ?

John O. Brennan, the CIA Director comes out and tries to defend the CIA. Well, people are not stupid. The CIA Torture Report is just too shocking and indefensible. He says the CIA is made of humans, and humans are not perfect, and they made mistakes. He says, " I will leave to others how they might want to label these activities." 

While I understand it was difficult for John O. Brennan to give an appropriate speech to satisfy everyone regarding this serious matter, I would like to point out the fact that the subject matter is not about just a label or small mistake. It is about torture and the alleged or actual criminal activities of the CIA. Just calling torture an enhanced interrogation technique, or whatever, did not, does not, and will not change the fact that torture is torture.

OK, the CIA workers are humans, and they made mistakes. But are the suspected or actual terrorists also humans, and they could also have made mistakes? Is it O.K. to commit a crime against a criminal? Is it O.K. for a human to torture another human? Are American lives worth more than other lives? Is it O.K. for Uncle Sam to kill  non-Americans, whether they are innocent or not, in order to protect Americans?

Dick Cheney is much worse than John O. Brennan. He comes out and growls. He says the CIA Torture Report is full of crap. He says the lawyers stated that such enhanced interrogation techniques were deemed to be legal. Who were these U.S. lawyers? So much bullshit. Yeah, I am God. Whatever I do is deemed to be right, even when it is wrong !

And where is George Bush? Would he dare to come out and talk about the CIA Torture Report or the Iraq War? I think it is better for him to stay low, and keep up with his new hobby of painting instead.          

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

CIA and Malaysian Planes

I am not a conspiracy theorist, but somehow I wonder if there were secret connections between the CIA and the 2 Malaysian planes, one mysteriously disappeared and the other shot-down in Eastern Ukraine. What do you know ?

Monday, December 1, 2014

Woman, Playboy and Shoes

A woman asked her playboy friend, " Why do you need more than one woman ? Isn't one good woman enough for you ? " 

The man replied, " Why do you need more than one pair of shoes ? Isn't one good pair enough for you ? "

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Burt Reynolds and What is Success ?

In the news, also posted by a friend in Facebook, Burt Reynolds, the famous movie star of the 70s, is apparently broke and is selling off his stuff. 

I feel sad to hear about this. He was a big star. However, he is not alone. Many people succeeded in beating poverty, but failed to manage wealth. As comedian Bill Hicks said, "It's just a ride." 

This is what I think: a successful person is not necessarily rich and famous. A successful person is one who is able to live happily under any conditions in life, whether rich or poor, famous or unknown, married or single, powerful or common, and is able to do what he or she loves to do. Enjoy your ride !!!

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Israel and Palestine

The conflict between Israel and Palestine is the most difficult problem to solve today. Whoever can stop all the violence and killings and bring real peace truly deserves a Nobel Peace Prize. "Uncivilized" humans still keep killing one another, very bad and sad !!!

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Something Beautiful

Be open-minded. If you heard some music, or saw something strange and foreign, put it aside for a while. Return, hear or look at it again. You would discover something beautiful which you were not aware of before. Nothing is strange and foreign, if you open your heart and mind to feel and understand it. Cheers !!!

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Obama Chewed Gum at APEC

I do agree that Obama looked bad, in being one of the world leaders and walked around chewing gum in such formal APEC summit. Some people said Obama was rude. I am not against chewing gum (Singapore is), but Obama did look like trying to be cool only with the opposite effect. Xi Jin Ping and Putin looked more like statesmen than Obama.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

The American Dollar

The American Dollar is no longer as mighty as it was. The Almighty Dollar doesn't sound Almighty any more.On the latest trip of Stephen Harper to Beijing, Canada signed a currency deal with China. Business between the two countries can now be conducted in their own currencies of Canadian Dollar and Chinese Yuan.

Canada is not the first country which has signed such a currency deal with China. Many countries have already done so. This enables business between countries to be conducted directly in their own currencies, without having to take the extra step of converting them  to U.S. money.  

As many know, the American Dollar was backed by gold in the past. In 1971, president Nixon untied the American Dollar from gold. It then became the Petro Dollar. International trading of oil and other commodities was then conducted in U.S. currency. At the present, the American Dollar is just fiat money backed by nothing, except you may say that it is backed by bullets and bombs. In other words, Uncle Sam would get mad and force you to use the American Dollar, and if you refused to comply, he would make your life difficult, by using political pressure, economic sanction, and even military action.   

The game of creating American money from thin air will be over. It may not be completely replaced by another new game, but it will not be the only game, or the primary game.

Some economists, investors, financial people, or even conspiracy theorists predict that the American Dollar will collapse soon. I don't agree with them entirely. I don't think that it will be a sudden and quick collapse. I believe it will gradually lose its status as the international trading and reserved currency. It is already happening. All said, I could be wrong, so please don't point finger at me, if the American Dollar suddenly collapsed. I pray that it won't, because if it happens this way, the American people will suffer greatly beyond words.     

Uncle Sam is in heavy debt, owing trillions of dollars to China and other countries. It is a losing game, to keep borrowing and printing money, in order to maintain a false or exaggerated economy, and to finance the very expensive military adventures everywhere.

Will the Almighty Dollar, the American Greenback, give way to the Chinese Yuan (Dollar) or Reminbi (people's money) ? Just wait and see !!!       

Friday, November 7, 2014


This is so horrific: according to the Wildlife Conservation Society, 96 elephants are kill every day in Africa. That's 35,000 elephants killed in a year.

A friend Mariah said that if you believe BBC, the majority of the tusks went to China.

I said yes, Chinese gangs and criminals made deals with poor African poachers, to illegally smuggle the elephant tusks to China, Vietnam, Taiwan, etc. to make ivory artifacts. It is not only elephants. Humans should be ashamed of themselves, to keep destroying the environment and abusing the natural resources and wildlife on planet earth. Unfortunately, money and the economy often speak louder than ethics and morals, and people would even break the laws for greed of money, power and self interests.
I said yes,

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Shooting in Ottawa

However you thought regarding the shooting on Parliament Hill, that it was a crime, an act of terrorism, a war with ISIS on home soil, a crazy act of religious extremism carried out by a radicalized Zehal-Bisbeau, or whatever, October 22, 2014 was definitely not an ordinary day.  

By now, we know that the fallen soldier was Nathan Cirillo. Condolences to his family and loved ones !  Thanks to Kevin Vickers, Sergeant-at-Arms of the Canadian Parliament, Zehal-Bisbeau was taken out. Kevin is hailed as a national hero of Canada.

It could have been much worse, as it happened not only outside, but also inside the Parliament of Canada. This tragic incident is a wake up call for Canada, that it is not immune to this kind of crazy shooting, which would and did happen in the U.S. and other countries. New security measures should be discussed and implemented by the Government of Canada, especially to protect the Parliament, which is the heart of Canadian democracy and the central work place of the Canadian Government leaders.

I was impressed by what I saw, when Prime Minister Stephen Harper walked over to shake hands with and embrace the opposition leaders Justin Trudeau and Tom Mulcair. That was so Canadian, so civilized, so ministerial. Thumbs up this time to Harper!        

A Canadian song of the Great Big Sea comes to mind. It is called Ordinary Day. Certainly, as said earlier, October 22, 2014 was definitely not an ordinary day. However, the song lyrics still provide some good advice, which said " At the end of the day, you've just got to say it's all right."  It's all right, Canada. Let's move on ! 


Being alone is not being lonely. Unlike a child, a spiritually mature person doesn't always need company and protection. He or she is a self-sufficient and happy person.

Saturday, October 18, 2014


The United States has contrived the Ebola scare to manipulate the American public and control the resource-rich West Africa region, a political commentator in California says.

In an interview with Press T.V., Professor James Henry Fetzer said, “The United States has fallen into the practice of using scare tactics to manipulate the American public both with respect to domestic issues and foreign affairs."

There are all kinds of conspiracy theories flying around, including one which says that Ebola was deliberately created and exaggerated to scare the public, and to reduce the population in west Africa.

Conspiracy theories were not all theories. Some turned out to be true. Sending thousands of U.S. troops to west Africa to deal with a disease smells fishy to me.Can anybody throw some light on this matter? Thanks!    

Friday, October 17, 2014

Lock and Key

Why did you ask me for my lock ?

What is the use if I gave you my lock, but I kept my key and treasure box ?
Be yourself, and let me be myself.
Together we can open the lock.You will be amazed by what is inside my treasure box.    

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Hong Kong Protest

It's amazing that the pro-democracy movement in Hong Kong so far has been largely non-violent. If this kind of protest and stand-off happened in the U.S., or in Beijing, the police would have already opened fire and shot the students dead. I still hope peace and calm will prevail in H.K., but I am a bit worried.

Young people in Hong Kong are not stupid, but they need to learn more about history, economics and the geopolitics where they live, and in the world, and be aware of some hidden or not-too-obvious dark forces in the U.S. and other countries, which keep creating troubles and conflicts everywhere, to screw up other countries for selfish financial and power gains. There are people who do not want to see a united and rising China.

American democracy has become a plutocracy. It is free and democratic, yes, but it has become more a plutocracy than a democracy for the good of the common people. The elites work for the rich and powerful, not for the common people. Is that what you want ?

Dear Hong Kong people: Britain was your old master and your past. China is your distant past and future, not your enemy. You don't even pay federal taxes to Beijing, while Americans have to pay taxes to Uncle Sam wherever they live. Think about it.

Beijing, H.K. Government, pro-China and pro-democracy people, please be rational and don't screw it all up. Don't shoot your own foot. Good luck !!!

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Asian Love

Believe it or not, Asians would find it awkward to say " I love you " to their loved ones, even to their parents, spouse or children, especially in their own language. Saying " I love you " in English would be less awkward, but still they would rather express their love in other words, or by action. All said, this is not an absolute truth, so please don't think that it applies to ALL Asians. I love you, peace !!!

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Incompetent World Leaders

Our world leaders are very good in making wars and troubles, but are very incompetent in making peace. They have very little or no spiritual I.Q. (a term I coined). Instead of talking to one another to find peaceful solutions, they keep screwing one another. They don't work well with one another, but repeatedly work against one another like different gangs, always fighting for control and influence in different territories, even in distant lands far away from home. 

War is an evil, the worst kind of organized crime. War is an extremely profitable business to a few people, but sadly, at the expense of many peoples' life and death. Only love and universal brotherhood can save this world and bring peace. Did you notice that when our world leaders said they were going to bring peace, they were rather making even more wars? This world is a big mess !!!

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

October The First

October 1 (Wed), 2014: today is Jimmy Carter's birthday. He is 90 years old. Happy Birthday, Mr. President !!!

Today is also the national day of China. The celebration is dampened by the pro-democracy movement in Hong Kong. It is unlikely that the Chinese Government in Beijing will back down, but the protesters also stand firm on the ground, demanding Leung Chun Ying, the current chief executive of Hong Kong to step down. In any case, I hope peace and calm will prevail, and pray that there will be no violence and bloodshed.

Jimmy Carter is a Nobel Peace Prize winner. Here are his words: " My position has always been, along with many people, that any differences be resolved in a non violent way ". Peace !!!

Saturday, September 20, 2014


Scotland's referendum on independence resulted in a yes-vote of 45% and no-vote of 55%. Scotland remains part of the United Kingdom. God Save The Queen, some would say, that the marriage did not become a 'painful divorce', a term used by Prime Minister David Cameron, in warning what the U.K. would become if a yes vote had won.

What does it mean, that Scotland is still part of U.K.? It means many things. For one, although the marriage has not resulted in divorce, it is no longer the same. Cameron has promised to devolve more power to Scotland, but then millions of Scottish independence seekers (the 45%) remain unhappy. It is like an unhappy spouse agrees to stay married and stop seeking a divorce, while the other spouse makes all kinds of promises to prevent the marriage from falling apart. How would U.K. feel, now that Scotland said, " Darling, I used to love you 100%. Now I only love you 55% " ?

I am not Scottish, but if I were Scottish and lived in Scotland, maybe I would have voted yes to separate from the United Kingdom.Why? Well, just look up the reasons given by Alex Salmond and the 45% Scottish population who said yes. Of course the pro-union Brits have their reasons, too, to say no. I bet you the elites, the billionaires, the bankers, the London Stock Exchange, the City of London, the rich and powerful,  and the 1% would have said no.

Certainly the Queen and the noble family would not like to see Scotland go.The pro-union supporters would have voted with much of their head, while the pro-independence seekers would have voted not only with their head, but also with much of their heart. Please don't get mad at me, if you disagree with me and think otherwise. I believe in freedom of opinion, freedom of choice and freedom of speech.

Each case is different, and the only common rule we should follow is to settle any conflict and problem by peaceful means. For example, I am a Canadian, and I don't like to see Quebec separate from Canada.
" What is Canada without Quebec? ", I often ask myself this question. But what then if Quebec really wants to separate ? Then so be it ! They have the right to choose. 

Anyway, we now have a new, or rather a survived United Kingdom. Who are the true winners, the Scots or the Brits? What do you think?

I think the true winner is Freedom and Democracy. There were no bullets flying in Scotland. There was no fighting, no violence, no killing, and no civil war. It was a peaceful process of referendum and freedom of choice. To that, I salute !      


Friday, September 19, 2014

Miley Cyrus and Mexican Flag

Miley Cyrus was performing in Monterey, Mexico. She wore a big prosthetic butt while some male dancers hit it with the Mexican flag. She was investigated and fined by the Mexican authority for her disrespectful and degrading act.  

My thoughts and comments

When in Mexico or any country, you respect the laws of that country. Problems would arise if you insisted on using your own country's laws, culture and values to "over-rule" those of another country. 

Miley Cyrus is a good singer. She didn't really need to show her butt, real or fake, to prove her talent. She went nude on a wrecking ball, twerked and behaved like a soft-porn star etc. etc. all due to business reasons. I believe it is simply the business reality that she embraced. In other words, the almighty dollar, fame and celebrity status are more attractive to her than just the artistic value of her singing and performing craft. She wanted to be a diva, not just a singer.

Last but not least, when you are in Mexico, and if you are not a Mexican, please don't wear a T-shirt with a Mexican flag on it. I have a friend who did that and was taken to a police station for questioning. Good Day !!! 

Friday, September 12, 2014

Foreign Policy

American Foreign Policy: let's drop a bomb.
Canadian Foreign Policy: let's follow Uncle Sam.
Chinese Foreign Policy: let's make a deal.
Russian Foreign Policy: what foreign policy ? It is a domestic Russian issue !
My Foreign Policy: same as John and Yoko Policy. Give peace a chance !!!

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Nine One One

Today is the 13th anniversary of 911. Is the U.S. and the world getting safer and better ?

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Joan Rivers

Good Bye, Joan, rest in peace. Maybe Robin Williams was waiting for you ?! 

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Couch Potato

A friend's posting in Facebook 
Are you stuck in low speed ? Shift, shift, shift your life into high gear and gain headway.

My thoughts and comments
Remember the faster is the speed, the slower is the time. This is both a scientific truth and a spiritual truth. Sitting still as a couch potato will make you grow old faster. Being active and speedy keeps you young.

Sunday, August 24, 2014


They celebrated your birth. They mourned your death. In between, they treated you like a speck of dust. 

Friday, August 22, 2014

Jaycee Chan

Jaycee Chan, the son of Jackie Chan, was arrested in Beijing for testing positive in marijuana. He was accused of hosting others to take drugs. Jackie apologized to China and the whole world (?). Jaycee, go to Seattle, not Beijing. Marijuana is now legal there.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Complaint of a Married Man

Knock Knock,
Thanks a lot.
Before marriage I was a lion and she was a fox,
After marriage she became a bitch and I became a dog.

Monday, August 18, 2014

Chinese Puzzle: Who Should Pay the Bill ?

Paying the Dutch way is easy: each person pays his or her own bill. Paying the Chinese way is hard to explain. Chinese friends sometimes pay Dutch, but often the Chinese way. The person who pays for everyone's bill gains the honor. You should fight for the honor, but you should also let someone else have that honor. Sounds contradictory, doesn't it ? Relax if you are a woman. Just let the men fight for the honor. Don't worry. In the end, the bills will be all paid one way or another.

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Problems and Solutions

If you don't want problems, stay away from the humans. Many complain about problems; few offer solutions. Consider detachment, not attachment. Be the captain of your own ship. Good luck ! 

Mind Your Own Business

Mind your own business. Live and let live. Be your own true self and accept others' differences.

Monday, August 11, 2014

It's Not Funny

It's not funny. Actor Comedian Robin Williams is dead. Good Bye and RIP :(

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Baby with Down Syndrome

In the news, also in a friend's posting in Facebook, an Australian couple refused to take a baby from their Thai surrogate, after it was revealed that he had Down Syndrome. They took the healthy twin.

This story made me feel very sad. What shame and irresponsibility, to take one healthy twin while abandon the other twin with Down Syndrome! The right thing to do was to accept both babies. Even giving them both to the poor Thai woman in her care, and not to separate the twins, would be a lesser evil. 

The Australian Government should pay the poor Thai surrogate mother some money, and take the baby with Down Syndrome back home to Australia. Then order the shameful couple to give up both babies to Government or foster care! 

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Good Bye Country, Hello New Home

Just finished watching a Youtube video titled ' Time to Get the Hell Out of the U.S.' As the news channel was RT (Russia Today), there would be people who just wrote it off as nothing but Russian propaganda. 

Here are my thoughts and comments: some haters of Putin and Russia would say that this is nothing but Russian propaganda, but I do think that there is some truth in this report. You can argue about different ideologies, but you can't deny facts. There has been an increase of Americans who gave up their U.S. citizenship and moved to other countries. If you are an American citizen, you have to report your world wide income to Uncle Sam wherever you live. This controversial and complicated tax system alone would be a reason for Americans living abroad to give up their American citizenship.

For example, Eduardo Saverin, a co-founder of Facebook, surrendered his U.S. citizenship and moved to Singapore. He said it was a personal choice which had nothing to do with tax saving. Whether he told the truth or not, he had saved millions in tax money. Uncle Sam got mad and increased the exit tax to punish such non-patriotic Americans. Give me your money before I let you go !

Tina Turner, an iconic American singer also gave up her U.S. citizenship and now lives in Switzerland. Dear Uncle Sam, I know I know, this one really hurts ! Tina Turner is no longer an American ... WTF ???!!! 

French actor Gerard Depardieu left France and became a Russian citizen. Putin happily granted him a Russian passport. There are people who envy the rich. There are people who look down on the poor. But most people do not fully trust their governments. In this case, can you blame Gerard at all, that France's tax rate was going up from 45% to 75%? Russia has a 13% low flat rate. For comparison, Singapore's rate is 18%.

In the past, people looked to the West. So many people wanted to go to America, the Land of the Free. Today, people look to the East. The center of world economy has already gone to Asia. There are so many troubled spots in the world today, and I feel so lucky to be in Canada. I feel both free and safe here. I don't see any need for me to move away from Canada. Dear American friends, would you consider moving to Canada, the true North strong and free ?

Thursday, July 31, 2014


Sing and you will be sane ! Sing and you will get rid of the pain !
Singing is good for your mental, emotional and physical health ! 


The more famous you are, the more privacy you'll lose. Fame is not a 100% good thing. Loss of privacy is part of the price to pay for being famous. You can't be famous and not becoming a public figure. How can you be famous and unknown at the same time?

Monday, July 28, 2014

Something On Sale

Something on sale does not always mean true saving. It could mean ripping you off a bit less than usual. Check the price still !!!

To Think or To Feel ?

I don't mean to be didactic. When I teach, I also learn. When I share my thoughts and comments with you, I am both a teacher and a student. I don't expect that you agree with me in everything I said, but I do hope that you will be open-minded enough to understand my views, and others', which may not be the same as yours.

Regarding thinking and feeling, here are my thoughts and comments:

Think when you make a decision or try to solve a problem. Feel when you play. Feel, not think, if you wish to have fun, like singing or dancing. Know when to use your head and when to use your heart, and how much. Cheers !!!    

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Be Happy

The blustering storm of tomorrow will find a way to become yesterday's gentle rain. Only yesterday is gone, and tomorrow there is always another singer with another song (from my poem Walking Through Desert).
Be happy here and now!

Friday, July 25, 2014

What is the Answer ?

Nobody can tell you where the answer is. When in doubt, try to look for it somewhere between 2 extremes. What you hear from others are only suggestions. In the end, you will find the answer within yourself. Listen to your heart, but also use your head. Good luck !!!    

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Weird Asian Food

A friend posted an interesting video in Facebook. A few Americans were trying to eat some weird Asian food items including chicken feet, natto (fermented beans), durian fruit, balut (duck embryo egg) and sannakji (live octopus). None of them seemed to be able to take it, but they did try. It was so funny, yet so serious! A friend said it was disgusting and hilarious.  

My thoughts and comments:
People eat all kinds of weird stuff, not just Asians. It is disgusting to you but not to others. Some vegetarians and vegans think eating meat is unhealthy, disgusting and immoral. Some religious people think eating certain animals like cow or pig is sinful or dirty. 

Durian fruit "smell like shit but taste like heaven", but I don't like it. Have you ever tried Western blue cheese? It is also shit like Durian, only a different kind of shit. 

If you are a Christian, go to Leviticus 11 of the bible. You will be disappointed by so many foods that you are not supposed to eat. Forget the lobster, etc. etc. 

In this video, I eat chicken feet. All others I'll say no thank you. Last but not least, if it is a matter of life or death, I'll eat anything in order to survive. 

The cow already gives you milk, so why do you still want to kill her and eat her flesh ? 

See, just choose what you like and reject what you don't like. Now have a hamburger and some bacon and enjoy your "guilty pleasure" of eating sacred cow and dirty pig ... ha ha ha !!!

P.S. Just choose what you like. If it is not against your own conscience, then don't worry about what others think.

Young and Old People

Young people are not all stupid; they are only inexperienced.
 Old people are not all wise; some are bloody old fools. 

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Win Some Lose Some

Rely on no one but yourself. Be true to yourself. In the end, you are your own best friend. Accept what is meant to be yours, and accept what is not meant to be yours. Win some, lose some, that's life !!!

Friday, July 18, 2014

Positive Energy

Thank you for your like-minded understanding. We need to spread positive energy to the world. Even a small loving and peaceful thought or action counts.

Monday, July 14, 2014

Music and Life

No Music No Life. Make Music part of your Life !!!

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Spring Shooting

In the news, 6 were killed in suburban Houston, Texas, including 4 children. Is this even news, or rather just the same old story? Mass shooting is nothing new in America. It happens frequently. Even the headline of the news article I read implies that it is something seasonal.

To be fair, the headline of 'Spring Shooting' is probably intended to mean that the tragedy is happening in Spring, but to me, it sounds like an expected seasonal event. Don't be surprised if you see this same old story happen yet again: summer shooting, fall shooting and winter shooting! It is like a popular movie, with continued sequels.

Unfortunately, such mass murders are not movies. Real people actually died. In terms of gun possession, U.S.A. is number one in the whole world. One recent report shows that there are 97 guns for every 100 U.S.residents. Whao, that means there are more than 300 million guns in America !

"Guns don't kill people.Only people kill people", so they say. I heard that in Texas, a man would propose to marry a woman by giving her not only a ring, but also a gun. Dear friends in Texas, is this true or not ? Don't know what to say really, in spite of the fact that mass shooting causing multiple deaths is a very serious problem.Why ? Because bearing arms is a constitutional right of the Americans.

Guns are very much part of the American culture. It is not easy to change a culture, unless both government and people come to an agreement. Politics and economics only make the gun issue even more difficult and complicated. It is a mission impossible, or is it ?, to tell the Americans to stop playing with guns, the Russians to stop drinking volka, or the Canadians to stop playing hockey ?!

Monday, July 7, 2014

American Plutocracy

Paraphrase: as senator Bernie Sanders said, " Today the United States is number one in billionaires, corporate profits, CEO salaries, childhood poverty, and number one in income and wealth inequality in the industrial world. One in four corporations doesn't pay taxes.Congress doesn't control Wall Street. Wall Street controls Congress."

I'm afraid to say that American democracy has become a plutocracy due to selfish individualism, extreme capitalism and legalized corruption. Obama Obama ... I know it's tough, but what are you going to do?      

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Fiction and Reality

Yesterday's fiction is today's reality. Today's fiction is tomorrow's reality. No, it is not magic. No, it is not a miracle. Yes, it is science!

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

July the First

Today is Canada Day, also the 17th anniversary of Britain's hand-over of Hong Kong back to Chinese rule. There has been some political turmoil in Hong Kong, where the Hongkongers demand their UK-China promised autonomy and democracy, while the Chinese Government strongly asserts its authority and sovereignty over the previous British colony. I hope the problems will be resolved peacefully. No violence on either side please !!!

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Love and Marriage

Without marriage, love is still beautiful ... but without love, is marriage still beautiful ? I don't think so.

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Change the World

Can you change the world? No? But you can change your own world, if you are determined to do so.

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Typical Married Couple

The man doesn't want the woman to change, but she will. The woman wants the man to change, but he won't. This is the truth I'm telling you !!!

Monday, May 26, 2014

Reality Show

Forget the manufactured Reality Shows on American T.V. This is the true Reality Show of the world we live in: international economics and geopolitics.
We are living in interesting time. It is very exciting and hopeful, but also very worrisome and dangerous. The problem is that world leaders do not genuinely work 'with' one another, but 'against' one another. It's like different gangs fighting for control and influence in different territories.
Uncle Sam, USA, while already in heavy debts and with so many big problems at home, continues to insist on being the big boss of the world and refuse to let other countries rise up peacefully. Just creating fiat money from thin air is only an illusion, not a solution. How long can Uncle Sam fool people to accept his fiat money? Sooner or later, the American Dollar will lose its international value and trading status. Is World War 3 coming? I don't know. It's possible, but I hope not !!!

Friday, May 23, 2014

Privatized Prison and Army

A posting in Facebook:

The prison industry in the United States: big business or a new form of slavery. No other society in human history has imprisoned so many of its own citizens.
My thoughts and comments:

The main objective of doing business is to make money and profits. Privatized prison system needs tenants / prisoners to keep the cells occupied. It keeps the very profitable business going. Even judges are played into this unjust game by passing severe long-term jail sentence on petty crimes like possession of weed. Privatized army also sucks, but war is an extremely profitable business, so the military industrial complex is happy to see or stir up troubles everywhere and anywhere. So very sick and selfish profiteering at the expense of people's life and death !!!!!

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Midway Hotel

Some years ago, I was driving north to Dawson from Whitehorse for the first time. Dawson City was the old capital of Yukon. It was the center of the Klondike Gold Rush back in 1898. While I was driving, I suddenly had a vision in my mind, or rather above my head. I saw a highrise hotel named Midway Hotel.

I don't know how to explain what a vision is. There is no need for an explanation, if you had such an experience yourself. Look at it this way: a vision is like a dream which lasts for only a few seconds. Other similar experiences are described by people as having an idea, an inspiration, a waking dream, an awakening, premonition or clairvoyance.Of course, some people would think that you are nuts if you tell them that you had a vision. Others would think that you are a prophet or an alien.Whatever!

However you think, I am not alone.Many people have such extrasensory perception experiences. Did you ever have the experience that a good friend or loved one came to mind; then the phone rang and it was the same person that you saw in your head just a few seconds ago? Or did you have the experience that you heard a song in your head; then you walked into a store or restaurant, and that same song was being played, almost like specially for you? 

After seeing the Midway Hotel in my vision in split seconds, I knew I would see it on my way to Dawson. Lord and Behold, it happened so fast.Within the next ten minutes or so, I saw Midway Lodge coming into sight.It was not a highrise hotel, but the name of Midway was the same as what I saw in my vision, and it was a place for accommodation. The Midway Hotel, a modern highrise in my vision, had become the modest Midway Lodge in physical reality.

There are still so many things that we don't fully understand. Neither Religion nor Science is able to explain everything clearly to everyone's satisfaction. After many years of diligent studies and observations, I have become much more confident in Science than in Religion. I'm waiting for a new Einstein to explain to me, scientifically, whether extrasensory perception is real, and how does it work. Singularity is getting closer and closer, but it has not yet arrived. I'm patiently waiting.          

Sunday, May 18, 2014


Calendar age is only a number. Your health and attitude determine your effective age.

Monday, May 5, 2014

Think, Talk and Do

Thinking is not talking and talking is not dong. Which describes you the best right now: thinking, talking or doing ? Did you ever want to not think, talk or do anything ?

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Dancing is Better

Dancing is better than marching; walking is better than sitting. Peace ! 

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Is USA a Democracy ?

USA is no longer a democracy, is it ? Extreme Capitalism, with the extremely selfish and individualistic concept of winner takes all, while having no sympathy for the less capable, less fortunate and losers (deserved or not), has turned America into an Oligarchy and Plutocracy. It has become a country of the rich, by the rich, for the rich. Indeed if you have the choice, please consider moving to Canada. You probably won't regret. Take care !

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Life is a Moving Train

Life is a moving train. No matter which train you are on, it will sooner or later crash, and you will die. Meanwhile, please enjoy the ride !

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Money and War

Make money, not war.
But don 't make war in order to make money, which is the most deadly and dishonorable thing to do.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Keep Learning

You'll find that the more you know, there is more that you don't know. You'll keep learning and become a humble and diligent student.

Friday, April 11, 2014

Good Bye Jim

RIP Jim Flaherty ... a good Finance Minister of Canada !

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Music in Nature

Open your ears and listen. There is beautiful music in nature !

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Where Are You From ?

I'm from Planet Earth, the same as you, you, you and you. Peace !  

Sunday, March 30, 2014


What you own also owns you.

Monday, March 24, 2014

Wings and Beer

An old but true story: I saw a sign outside a neighborhood pub. It said, " $4.99 wings with beer ". I thought, "Wow, that's a good deal", so I went in and asked about it. A bar maid came and said, " If you buy a beer from us, we'll sell you half pound of chicken wings for $4.99." I asked, " How much is the beer ?" She replied, "$7.00 for a pint". I said "thank you" and left.

I couldn't help but laugh. I wouldn't say it was false advertising, because the sign didn't say " $4.99 for wings and beer." What it really meant was " $4.99 for wings with the purchase of a glass of beer for $7.00, in total $12.00 ". 

Again, I wouldn't call it false advertising, but certainly it was very tricky. Thanks for making me laugh !!!   

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Music, Noise and Silence

Music is better than noise but not silence ... Enjoy !

Saturday, March 22, 2014

John McCain on Russia

In retaliation for U.S. action against Moscow, Russia had imposed sanctions against John McCain and eight other American officials. John McCain must be very upset. He made an insulting statement against Russia. He said,"Russia is a gas station masquerading as a country." This false statement is not only insulting; it is very stupid. Bet you Putin loves Russia more than McCain loves America. No wonder someone by the name of Socialist Slayer said,"Go away John McCain. America hates you more than Russia." 

Thursday, March 20, 2014


What politicians do not tell lies or make false promises ? What politicians always tell the truth, nothing but the truth ? The politicians' position is that their opponents are bad and wrong, and they are good and right. What if the voters have a free choice of a few apples, but they are all bad apples ? Want to look for hypocrites ? Go to the religious and political worlds. I guarantee you will find a few if not many hypocrites there.
P.S. To a friend Mary,whose husband was a politician: Hi Mary ... I know your family. A general truth is not an absolute truth. I'm sure there are some politicians who have a high level of integrity and sincerity. Indeed it is a challenge to be a politician working in a dirty pond of muddy water and be able to come out all clean and dandy. Canada is not too bad, but sadly, we are catching up with the world in corruption. To name a few: the senators, the mayors, the police, etc. etc. Cheers ! 

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Malaysian Plane and Psychics

Where have all the psychics gone ? I mean all those psychics and seers who claim that they have mystical power and ability of remote vision ! Hey, this is your opportunity to show us your special skill.Would you please tell us where is the Malaysian plane or what happened to it ?! No response ? Not willing to accept the challenge ? OK, never mind, we'll talk to the scientists !  

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Love and Respect

Love yourself, before complaining that you are not loved by others.
Respect yourself, before complaining that you are not respected by others.
If you don't love others,why do you expect that they must love you ?
If you don't respect others,why do you expect that they must respect you ?

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Who Discovered America ?

Zheng He (Cheng Ho) the Chinese Admiral discovered the New World some 70 years before Columbus. Westerners don't know about this, or refuse to accept this to be true, but controversial British historian Gavin Menzies confirmed the Chinese indeed came to America long before Columbus arrived. 

Evidence was found in the Asian genetic make up of aboriginal people, and for example, in both old Chinese and Peruvian maps. The names of some places in Peru have a Chinese origin. For example, Churin or Chulin in Peru is Chinese, which means the forest or jungle. 

Going by sea from China to America (North and South) is not as difficult as people think, even at Cheng Ho's time (1371-1433). Cheng Ho's majestic fleet of Chinese ships was quite advanced. It would take only a few weeks or months to cross the oceans from China to reach America, not years.

All said, it's up to yourself to do your own studies and decide what is true and what isn't. Please be open-minded and consider the facts, speculations and possibilities. 

Tuesday, March 11, 2014


An easy way to get cancer: after a hot meal, you drink ice-cold water. Please don't do that. Cut down the consumption of red meat. Eat more fruits and vegetables. Wish you all healthy and happy ! 

Tuesday, March 4, 2014


I'm not an expert in Ukraine politics, but here are my thoughts and comments anyway:

To understand the deep-rooted problems and issues, you can't just look at Ukraine from the perspectives of USA and the West. You must also look at this whole mess from the Russian perspectives.

The current Ukraine Government was created, only after the elected president Viktor Yanukovych ran for his life, left Ukraine and went to Moscow for protection. It was a forced exile. He still considers himself the president of Ukraine. There was agreement signed between Yanukovych and the opposition party, which is no longer honored, so from the Russian perspectives, it was a coup or forced exile. Russia doesn't recognize the current Ukraine Government as legitimate.

Especially about Crimea, you need to know its history and current strategic importance to Russia, etc. etc., before you should completely take side with USA and the West. Every coin has 2 sides. To be a referee and fair judge, you need to look at both sides of the coin. There is no way Russia will "give up" Crimea.

American and Western media only showed Ukrainian people died, but they didn't show the death of ethnic Russian people and police. There was violence on both sides.

Ukraine is a divisive country: some are pro-West, some are pro-Russia, and everyone needs money and wants peace. The mess is all international dirty politics.

Regarding invasion and occupation of a sovereign country, USA and the West broke the UN rules themselves many times over, so they have no moral authority to lecture and accuse Russia of occupation or invasion of Ukraine. Man, don't tell me Ukraine will split into two: pro-west West Ukraine, and pro-Russia East Ukraine and Crimea. Interference of internal affairs of Ukraine ? Both USA and the West on one side, and Russia on the other side, have been doing so for years. All a mess !!!!

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Does Love Hurt ?

Some people say Love doesn't hurt. I disagree. Beware: the people you love the most would hurt you the most. Yet, there is no cure for love pain, except you love even more. Love is a great lecture but a lousy performance. What do you think ?

Monday, February 24, 2014

My Beautiful Wife

Jeopardy is an American quiz show hosted by Alex Trebeck. I am not crazy about any T.V. show, but I do sometimes watch Jeopardy. It is a good show.
I noticed something amusing: whenever Alex asked a male contestant to introduce his wife, the married man always said, "she is my beautiful wife." Yet I have never heard a female contestant introduce her husband by saying that "he is my handsome husband."
Why do such married men always describe their wives as beautiful? Is it enough just to say "she is my wife" ? Is it because they want to please and respect their women? Is it because they want the whole world to know that they are proud to have made a great choice? Is it because they have inferiority complex and must insist that their wives are beautiful? Or is it because they have superiority complex and want to boast about the beauty of their wives? Why do they have to include the adjective "beautiful" before the word "wife"? Is it necessary to do so? When there is love, everything turns beautiful.What man would introduce his wife by saying that "she is my ugly wife"? (even if she is really ugly).
The truth is that most people are in the middle range. They are neither super beautiful nor extremely ugly. The human form, including the face, is basically artistic and beautiful. There is no need to overvalue or undervalue it. Jeopardy is a quiz show, not a beauty contest. I once heard a female contestant introduce her husband by saying that "he is my lovely husband". Mmmm .... maybe all these married men can copy this lady and introduce their wives by saying that "she is my lovely wife", instead of saying "she is my beautiful wife". Being lovely is more than just being beautiful, handsome or good looking.
All said, you are free to say whatever you want, 'cause I believe in freedom of speech. All these expressions are only my thoughts and comments. Good Day !  


Sunday, February 23, 2014

Hockey and Canada

Both Canada's teams, men and women, won hockey GOLD in the Olympic Games. No doubt hockey is the game of Canada !!!

Thursday, February 20, 2014

China and Taiwan

Peace is always better than war. Current relationship between China (the Peoples Republic of China) and Taiwan (Republic of China) is good. 
Taiwanese people are largely the same as Chinese people in terms of history, culture, ancestry, ethnicity, language, and in so many things. It was politics and a civil war that caused the separation of China and Taiwan. 
Time and economics are on the side of China for reunification, not Taiwan for independence. My hope is that whether Taiwan will become truly independent (unlikely) or re-unified with China (hopefully), it must be achieved peacefully. War sucks. I respectfully ask the Chinese and Taiwanese Governments to find peaceful solutions to all issues and problems between China and Taiwan, and not to use military action against each other. Thank you.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Shirley Temple

Shirley Temple, the cutest and most talented child star ever, has passed. She was 85 years old. What child stars do we have today ?

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Sochi Winter Olympics

My view is that all Olympians are winners, even if they don't get a medal. This new game of slope style snowboarding is fantastic. I watched the men's competition. I couldn't believe my eyes. How did they do that, really? It was crazy, like spinning and doing somersaults in the air, and then nail a perfect landing all hand-free. Amazing skill and timing! Congratulations Mark McMorris, for winning the first medal for Canada.Thank you !         

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Gordon Chang, America and China Bashing

This guy Gordan Chang is very biased against China. I've watched him talk in some Youtube videos. He wrote a book called "The Coming Collapse of China"'.
USA and China are frienemies, with a love-hate relationship. American ( or any) capitalists and industrialists worship money, not Uncle Sam or some imaginary god. From a purely economic point of view, that's what they do, to minimize cost and maximize profit; money is much sexier than nationalism.
Many big companies and factories in China are owned, co-owned or controlled by Americans. American workers lost jobs to Chinese workers not because Chinese workers "stole" their jobs. It was due to cheaper labor cost in China and other political and economic reasons.
Complaining about pollution in China and Chinese stealing jobs from Americans must include the understanding that the Americans themselves are the consumers of these many affordable Chinese-made goods. If the American capitalists and industrialists stay home to create the same Chinese-made goods, American labor cost will be much higher, and the American-made goods will be much more expensive. Also pollution and poor air quality will stay home for the Americans to suffer.
A recent world survey shows the least peaceful and most dangerous country in the world is not China, Russia, North Korea or Iran. It is U.S.A. The country with the most deadly killing machines and weapons of mass destruction is U.S.A., not China or Russia. The rise of China is certain, but the decline of USA is not. Who is going to collapse first ? If you ask Gordon Chang, he'll say China. If you ask many other political and economic analysts, they'll say USA. Let's wait and see who is right ! ( I hope nobody is right, that neither USA nor China will collapse. I hope all countries will stop fighting and give world peace a chance ).
P.S. Gordan Chang has been predicting the economic collapse of China for years, even providing a timeline when it would happen. He published his book "The Coming Collapse of China" in 2001, and predicted that China would collapse in 2006. He was wrong. Instead, USA had a financial collapse in 2008. He was wrong each and every time, again and again, and his followers (who ? people looking for entertainment ?) are still waiting for China to fall. Will Gordan Chang shut up, if and when China overtakes USA as the largest economy in the world, possibly in the next few years ???

Sunday, January 26, 2014


A posting in Facebook: Madonna is 55, her boyfriend is 22. Tina Turner is 75, her boyfriend is 40. J.Lo is 42, her boyfriend is 26. Mariah Carey is 44, her husband is 32. Still single ??? Relax, your boyfriend is not born yet.
A friend Perry said,"...but all the women are rich and famous."
I said,"Dear Perry, there is no boundary or barrier that Love is unable to cross. Such May / December relationships also exist among common folks, not just among rich and famous people. Because they are not famous, and you don't know them, that's why you are not aware of their May/December relationships, that's all. Also, society, even in a free country, is still a bit biased against women. If an older man has a young partner, people would accept that more easily than an older woman who has a young partner. Did you notice something else besides the fact that the 4 women are rich and famous ? They are all good singers. Ladies... if you decide to be a cougar, start learning how to sing ... ha ha ha.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Stupid Face

A smart person who pretends to be dumb looks rather cute. A dumb person who pretends to be smart still looks dumb, not cute. But then external appearance could be something misleading. What you see may not be the real truth.

Friday, January 10, 2014

Supreme Adaptation

Philosophy of Life: I call it Supreme Adaptation. Being stiff makes you dead. Being flexible makes you alive. Pick it up and make it yours with no regret. Put it down and let it go with no regret either. Switch it on and off as you wish. You are more powerful than you think.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Death of Run Run Shaw

Run Run Shaw, the movie and T.V. mogul of Hong Kong has passed. He had a long (107 years) and good life.Without him (Shaw Brothers and H.K.T.V.B.), there would be no big stars and directors like Jackie Chan, Chow Yun-Fat, Andy Lau (Tak Wah), John Woo, Wong Ka Wai, Quentin Tarantino etc. etc. The one he missed out big was Bruce Lee, who signed up with Raymond Chow instead. He was knighted by the Queen. RIP Sir Run Run Shaw, you had a good Run in Life !

Economic Freedom

Which countries / places have the most economic freedom in the world ? Top 10 ranking for 2012 (don't know 2013 or current ranking, but it should be similar): 1. Hong Kong (previous British Crown Colony, now a special administrative region of China), 2. Singapore, 3. Australia, 4. New Zealand, 5. Switzerland, 6. Canada, 7. Chile, 8. Mauritius, 9. Denmark, 10. U.S.A. Economic freedom, political freedom, and religious freedom are not the same thing. A friend has just posted in Facebook that New Zealand is the country with the most freedom (I presume he means overall freedom).