Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Is China richer than America ?

China is now home to more wealthy people than the U.S. According to Credit Suisse’s global wealth report of 2019, out of the hundreds of millions of people that make up the wealthiest 10% of people on the planet in 2018, 100 million lived in China and 99 million lived in the United States. _________________________________________________ The U.S. is not a poor country, but the reality is that a few rich people own a very large amount of the country’s income and wealth, while the common people own a very small amount of it. In other words, the wealth gap is huge. The rich are getting richer and richer, but the poor are getting poorer and poorer. While the middle class in China is growing, the middle class in the U.S. is declining. _________________________________________________ This article is not an argument on whether Capitalism is better than Socialism, or vice versa. It is to point out the fact that China has been very successful in lifting hundreds of millions of Chinese people out of poverty. _________________________________________________ China describes itself as a socialist country with Chinese characteristics. Whatever you think of it, China is no longer weak and poor. While Donald Trump wants to make America great again, Xi Jinping is making China great again. Instead of fighting against each other, I wish the U.S. and China would work things out in their trade negotiations. War is a problem, not a solution. For stability and world peace, a good U.S. / China relation is very necessary. _________________________________________________ Fast Edi Thoughts and Comments.