Thursday, December 24, 2009


Truth is a bivalve like an oyster or clam. Some found it but failed to open it and take a good look. Others opened it but couldn't see anything inside, except for food. Only a few found and kept the beautiful pearl inside. People who became negative and spiritually blind could no longer see the beautiful pearl inside. It disappeared from their polluted mind.

Saturday, December 19, 2009


Perfection is a myth. Nothing is perfect, which would leave no room for creativity, imagination, improvement and change.

One could be perfect at one point of time, at certain location, doing certain thing, but it is impossible to be perfect all the time and everywhere doing all kinds of different things. This simple truth tells me that there is no supernatural God, who is supposed to be perfect, all-knowing, all-loving and all-powerful.

Thursday, December 17, 2009


There is no one specific reason for being happy. If you insist on giving a universal reason, then maybe happiness is simply being alive and conscious. Try helping others, fulfilling yourself and being creative; I believe they can enhance the happiness that already exists within yourself.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Seize the Moment

A philosophical thought: Seize the moment and live, for what happened in the past cannot be undone, nor can it be recreated to be exactly the same as it was. Every experience is unique. It seems to be the best and most profound, if treated as the first and last. Waking dreams are better than sleeping dreams !!!

Sunday, December 13, 2009


It was probably a lie, if you were told that the wars were about god, religion, democracy, this and that, but had nothing to do with money, power and oil. Many so-called peace makers in this world were rather trouble makers, killers, money and power hungry go-getters and schemers. War is the worst kind of organized crime still being committed by the technologically advanced, but spiritually primitive humans.

In God We Trust

Didn't I tell you that to some people, GOD means Gun, Oil and Drug ? Indeed the " GOD-believers" made huge profits selling those 3 things. Now you know the true meaning of "In God We trust" uttered by those people !!!

Friday, December 4, 2009


Climate-Gate reminds me of a joke announcement: Due to the cold weather, the protest on global warming has been cancelled.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Sarah Palin

The media keep asking if Sarah Palin will run for the office of U.S.Presidency in 2012.A typical question about her is whether she is qualified or competent to be the Commander-in-Chief.

My opinion is this: Sarah Palin is not qualified or competent to be the U.S.President, but then compared to whom ? If we use George Bush as a standard for comparison, then many people, including Sarah Palin,should be able to do a better job than Bush. If we use Hillary Clinton for comparison, then Sarah Palin is way behind in knowledge, qualifications, experiences and competence.

The office of the U.S.Presidency is not an easy job.The person who holds this office cannot think,talk and act only in narrow,limited,parochial,personal,or local ways.The job is not just about protecting yourself, your family, your friends, your local community, your political party, your state, or even the whole America.It has to go beyond, as the world has already become a global village, in which all nations are inter-connected socially, culturally, economically, politically and in so many ways. China's rising is certain, but America's decline is not. These 2 great countries, plus others, must rise up and work together, for the benefit of Planet Earth and the whole humanity.

The problem with Sarah Palin is that she has moved out of the political box, and moved into the celebrity box. She has quit her job as Governor of Alaska and become a well-paid author, speaker, celebrity and sort-of diva. No doubt she is a pretty mama,but to be the U.S.President? For money and fame, she'll continue to have an easy ride, but for political power and prestige, I don't think it will be that easy for her to be a "come back kid". All said, Sarah Palin is not a stupid person, so no one should completely write her off.

I heard rumors that Dick Cheney would consider running for the office of U.S. Presidency in 2012. Oh No, please ! I would rather have Sarah Palin over Dick Cheney, wouldn't you ? Sorry Sarah, if you compete with Hillary for political office, I predict that you will lose !

Love and Peace to all, even to you Bush and Cheney ! To borrow a Christian saying " We hate your sins, but we love you the sinners!". Repent and stop torturing and killing people !!!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Infinite Time and Space

By all means look for the next door, but stop searching for the first or last door, and you will gain wisdom and peace.

There is no beginning and no end. Time and Space are the same piece of gum, however you chew it, which is infinite !

As Carl Sagan suggested, instead of believing in god or gods, why not save a step and accept that this universe has always existed.

God believers are like children watching a magic show, believing that something came from nothing and appeared from nowhere, which could not be the real truth. Something would not have come from nothing. Even the magician was also something, who could not have come from nothing.

Saturday, October 24, 2009


Marriage,the traditional or old-fashioned kind,is becoming obsolete or outdated. It is a tricky game, the same old game. One spouse wants to own and control the other, but refuses to be owned and controlled. One spouse imposes restrictions on the freedom of the other, while refuses to give up his or her own freedom.

It is fundamentally wrong to believe that you can own another human being, or be owned. The primitive master-and-slave relationship should no longer be allowed in a modern free society.

Marriage should be changed from "ownership" or "possession" into something like a "leasehold tenure". It should expire annually, on the anniversary of the wedding date or marriage registration date. The couple must agree to renew it for another year, otherwise it automatically expires.

Marriage without Love doesn't work. Love without marriage does. The answer is not about being married or single. The answer is LOVE !

Thursday, October 22, 2009


Eating, besides necessity, is for pleasure, not a task. I say Yes to quality and No to quantity. Bon Appetit !!!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

World Citizenship

In the future,if we survive,there will be only one World Government with one Citizenship: Human Earthling !!! You won't be able to find another country on Earth to fight with. We will be the citizens of the one and same country called Earth. A few peaceful and loving people have already gained this world citizenship in advance, sort of. Are you one ?

One side of the human coin is war,fighting,killing and self-destruction. The other side is a golden age of truly advanced civilization with universal love and world peace. Head or Tail, what do you think, can you tell ?

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Negative and Positive People

Some people are so negative that when they appear,the temperature drops, the air feels stuffy, and the light dims.The surroundings become dark and cold.

On the contrary, some people are so positive that when they appear, the surroundings become warm and bright, and the air smells fresh and aromatic.

Negative people can pull you down and drain your energy. Positive people can lift you up and give you energy.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Religion and Spirituality

To me,Religion is false Spirituality, and Spirituality is true Religion.Religion separates and imprisons people.Spirituality unites and liberates people.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

GOD means Gun, Oil and Drug

In the news, 1 out of 4 homeowners and renters in U.S.A. are late in mortgage or rental payments. America, America, what have you done ? Where is this God who is supposed to bless America ? The truth is that there is no God who bless America or any country. The mess in this world was rather created by the humans themselves. GOD to some people means Gun,Oil and Drug.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Michael Jackson and 3 Kings

Michael Jackson is the King of Pop. Would you or anyone challenge this extraordinary claim ? Who would argue about this world-wide recognition ?

There is a man called Peter King who blasted MJ by saying that " he died, he had some talent, fine. There is nothing good about this guy ". This guy, the King of Pop, is Michael Jackson, so who is the other guy Peter King who blasted this guy ? Well, Peter King is a U.S. Republican Congressman (NY). His descriptions of MJ were so negative and extreme that it probably made many people mad. It probably hurt not only the Jackson family but also millions of fans all over the world.

"He had some talent". Wrong. Michael Jackson had huge talent, not some. "There is nothing good about this guy". Wrong again. There is not only something good, but many things good about this guy: being an extraordinary man, son, father, brother, uncle, relative, friend, excellent entertainer, singer, songwriter, music producer, dancer, artist, creator, philanthropist, idealist, promoter of love and world peace, and being a positive unifying force for humanity. He made many people happy and the whole world feel alive and connected.

Peter King complained that the media and the world honored and paid tribute to a "low life", while people like US troops fighting overseas were ignored. Wrong again. The life of Michael Jackson was anything but a "low life". It was a "very high life", "a very extraordinary life", but not a "low life". It is also untrue that US troops fighting overseas were ignored. The U.S. media never stops reporting news about U.S. troops in Afghanistan, Iraq and other parts of the world. U.S.A. has about 1000 military posts outside its own soil. It is impossible to ignore and not to report U.S. military activities in the world.

Peter King said we should give the U.S. soldiers the credit they deserved. But shouldn't we also give Michael Jackson the credit he deserved ? Mr. King said he wished the media would honor people like teachers in rough neighborhoods, AIDS clinics volunteers, police and firefighters, and US troops serving overseas.

This kind of wishful thinking and 'cherry picking' mentality is rather stupid really. How can you compare an apple to an orange and many other different kinds of fruits ? Michael Jackson is not only an apple, but a very special apple.

Shouldn't we honor all teachers, and not only those who work in rough neighborhoods ? Shouldn't we honor the doctors, nurses, and all kinds of volunteers and workers of different kinds of charity, and not only the AIDS clinics volunteers ? Shouldn't the Americans honor all U.S. soldiers, including those stationed on home soil and the veterans, and not only those serving overseas ? Mr. King implies that Michael Jackson is not a hero, but the real heroes are those examples on his list, including the police and firefighters, and U.S. troops serving overseas.

Mr. King said too many people in public life have made fools of themselves, by talking about Michael Jackson as if he was a hero. Look, the whole world is talking about Michael Jackson "as a hero", not "as if he was a hero". Mr. King, a person in public life, may be making a fool of himself instead. Obama's comments about Michael were much wiser than Mr. King's. He mentioned Michael was a great entertainer, but avoided talking about his personal life.

Mr. King asked a stupid question " What are we glorifying for?" He just didn't even get it. The world is not glorifying for war, fighting and killing, but fun, unity, love and peace.

What is a hero ? Yes, we should respect the police, for keeping law and order. Yes, we should respect the firefighters, for saving lives and properties. Yes, we should respect the soldiers for their fighting for freedom and defending their country (but not fighting an illegal war, or so-called holy war, and participating in an invasion of another sovereign country, causing the death of so many innocent people).

Please think about this: these people are simply doing their jobs, right ? So why keep saying that they are the heroes ? I can give you a very long list of heroes, if you define a hero as someone who simply does his or her job and duty. How about the doctors and nurses who look after the health of people ? How about the pilots who fly you all over the world ? How about the bus and taxi drivers and public transit workers, who take you to different places ? How about the farmers who grow food for you to eat ? How about the garment makers who create clothes for you to wear ? How about the builders who build the homes for you to live in ? How about the ordinary parents and workers who work so hard to raise their children and provide for their families ? The list can go on and on. Are these people not also heroes ?

I would rather define a hero as someone who did something good and extraordinary, to help and benefit other human beings, animals, the environment, the world, the Universe, beyond his or her duty and job requirements. If a policeman caught a thief and saved a life, that was his job. If an ordinary citizen caught a thief and saved a life, that was not his job, so he deserved more than a policeman, to be called a ' hero '. If a life guard saved someone from drowning, that was his or her job. If an ordinary citizen did the same thing, he or she would deserve more than a life guard, to be called a " hero ". Examples are endless.

The point is this: Michael Jackson was not "as if" or pretending to be a hero. He was, still is, a hero. His job was to entertain. It was not a job requirement for him to be a philanthropist and promoter of love and peace. It is O.K. if you think he should not be called or treated as a hero, but there is no way that you can win, if you argue about the fact that he is "The King of Pop".

Mr. Peter King blasted Michael Jackson, accusing him that there was nothing good about him, and that he was a pervert and child molester. I was shocked to hear these words which Mr. King actually used. I was disappointed and felt sad, because Mr. King is a Congressman and lawmaker, yet his statements have no legal sense and no legal effect at all. They were rather some personal moral judgment, and untimely political statements, out of his own speculation and presumption.

Regarding Michael Jackson being a child molester or not, one could only speculate. A pedophile is someone who has a sick mind, and who cannot control himself, and his behavior is compulsive, obsessive, addictive, and repetitive. This doesn't even fit the profile of Michael. My speculation is that Michael was a child-like person, because he did not have the normal kind of childhood that we had. He started working when he was only a child. He created Neverland, a world of innocence and pure fun, to re-live his lost childhood. He turned fantasy into reality. He was able to do that, because he had the imagination and could afford to do so.

Am I absolutely sure that Michael Jackson was not a child molester ? No, I am not absolutely sure. I can only speculate. However, if you look at the matter from the legal point of view, Peter King's negative statements against Michael were really stupid. Michael was acquitted of child molestation charges in 2005. Why did Mr. King insist that Michael was guilty? A U.S. law maker didn't even understand the U.S. legal process ? What a disappointment! In law, Michael was not guilty. He was not a child molester. Certainly, you can keep on speculating and arguing forever, but it has no legal effect at all. The case is closed, nor can it be re-opened now, because Michael is dead.

If you know Michael's defense lawyer, maybe you can ask him, and he will be able to explain to you why Michael was found not guilty. I don't know Michael's family, but I met his personal magician, who said that Michael was innocent.

Peter King asked a question " Would you let your child or grandchild be in the same room with Michael Jackson ? " Donald Trump, a very sharp and wealthy businessman, sort of answered that question. He said Michael was very smart and talented, and he loved children, and Mr.Trump let his own children play with Michael and his children.

I like Larry King of CNN. He has interviewed many different kinds of people. He is always calm and relaxed, articulate and never becomes presumptive and judgmental. He would not blast his guests like Peter King did to Michael Jackson.

The King of Pop, Peter King and Larry King - which King deserves your love and respect ?

Last but not least, in this world, there are generally 2 kinds of people: those who live in Love, and those who live in Fear. To which of the 2 groups do you belong ?
And the 3 Kings ?

Good Day !

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Religion and Politics

Religion and Politics are 2 difficult topics to talk about. Suddenly people would lose their senses and become ridiculously emotional and unreasonable.

Thursday, June 18, 2009


Just being happy and alive is a reason to celebrate. Don't let the negative and unfriendly people spoil your day.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

$50 Million Lottery Win

13 workers in Alberta won almost 50 million dollars in a recent 649 Lottery in Canada. Each received a share of $3.8 million.There was a lot of buzz. I found some statements made by people were rather amusing and untrue.

A winner, when being asked on what she would do with so much money, said she would buy some new shoes. Nothing wrong with the answer really, but did she appreciate that it was a big question ? One would expect a big answer to a big question, like using the money to purchase a new car or a new home, pay off a mortgage, pursue an education, travel to see the world, give a helping hand to friends and family, start a new business or creative project, or do some charitable work and so on. Instead, it was a small one-item answer about buying some new shoes, and nothing else! Perhaps, it had not sunk in yet for her, that she had really won the lottery, when she gave her small one-item answer to the big question. Certainly she would not have meant to use the whole $3.8 million to buy some shoes and nothing else. I mean $3.8 million can buy a lot of shoes, my friend !!!

A co-worker who was not part of the winning thirteen said he was glad that they won, and not him. He said they needed the money more than him. Really ? While he would be happy for the winners, like many of us do, did he really mean it, when he said that he was glad that they won, and not him ? Would it be more believable if he said he was happy for the winners, but wished that he also won? Lottery players may not all need the jackpot and big money, but would any player play to lose and wish somebody else won instead? I mean everybody would wish to win the lottery, or something, including those who did not even purchase a ticket. Who wants to be a loser and not a winner ? " I wish I was part of the lucky winning team " would be a more believable and sincere statement than " I am glad that I am a loser and non-participant, and someone else won ".

One person said "with that kind of money, the winners can do anything they're damn pleased". It made me laugh. See, you can say $3.8 million for one person is a lot of money, but you can also say that it is not that much. Everything is relative. As my good friend Willie says, hey, it all depends on what kind of lifestyle you want. To the super wealthy like Bill Gates and other billionaires, $3.8 million is only a small amount. To an average worker who suddenly won $3.8 million, it is indeed a lot of money, but to say that you can do or get anything you want with the money is definitely untrue. There are non-material things which you cannot buy with money, like true love, self-worth and happiness. For material things, the luxurious items, I'm afraid to say that $3.8 million is such a small amount that it can kill your ' I am so rich' feeling in no time.

Think about this: Canadian $3.8 million is about U.S. $3.3 million. Oops, you have just lost half a million dollars ! Do you want to buy a private 747 Boeing Jet ? That will cost you US $200 million. Want to go to space and become a space tourist ? It will cost you US$20 million.

Well, forget about the sky, you just want to stay on the ground, right ? Do you want to buy the beautiful 123 rooms L.A. Mansion from Candy Spelling ? Her asking price is US$150 million. Let's say she will give you 50% discount, the greatest half-price deal you can ever get. It will still cost you US $75 million.

Oh you have decided to do some traveling first, and purchase a home later. Want to go to Hong Kong, Dubai, New York, Las Vegas and Paris ? Where else ? Oh, you are now a millionaire, so you want to stay in a first-class luxurious hotel room ? Fine, that will cost you US$6,000 to US $25,000 a night.

The trip is over. Now you want to buy a home. You think Candy Spelling's mansion on sale is beyond your reach. You want something cheaper. Well, in the major cities, that will cost you at least a million dollars, I mean a decent home for a millionaire. Oh, you have changed your mind now, you don't want to purchase, you want to rent an apartment instead ? Want to live in the Joyce Apartment in Barcelona ? That will cost you US $125,000 a month. Is there anything cheaper ? Try the Pacific Place in Hong Kong. It will cost you only US $63,500 a month.

The approximate dollar figures I am giving you here may not be current and accurate, but that's O.K. You probably have got the point I wanted to make, which, as I said earlier, is this: there are things which money cannot buy, like true love, self-worth and happiness. As for material things, as my good friend Willie says, it all depends on the lifestyle you want. Therefore, again, you can say that $3.8 million is a lot of money, but you can also say that it is not that much. It all depends !!!!

Good luck to you !!!

Fast Edi

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Raelians won, Journal de Montreal lost

Raelians have won an invasion of privacy court battle against Journal de Montreal in Quebec, Canada. This is good news not only to the Raelians, but also to other religious minorities, faith and spiritual groups, and people concerned with freedom of belief, invason of privacy and human rights. Certainly the Raelians are celebrating.

The judge, Charles Grenier's understanding, in summary, about what Rael and the Raelian Movement are all about is very good. No bias, no prejudice, no stupidity:

"Let's simply remember that Rael, who was born in France, claims to be the product of the union of an Eloha, a member of family of extra-terrestrials, the Elohim, and an Earthling, and that after having received the good word (from the Elohim), who presented themselves to him at the beginning of his adult life, he gave himself the mission of preparing the Elohims' return to Earth and creating favorable conditions for humans on Earth for their eternal care by them".

Intrusive journalism, particularly of the sneaky and dishonest reporters, by using false identity, bad motives and clandestine methods to get and release information, which violates people's privacy is simply wrong.

Nowadays, the media don't seem to care too much about facts, people's privacy, and freedom of belief. They tend to dramatize and sensationalize the stories, the news, in order to attract the readers or viewers, to make sales. The objective seems to be making money, not about news reporting.

There is a big difference between the release of already public information to the public, and
the release of private pictures, information and data to the public without the approval of the private owner(s).

The media, especially the mainstream media, should learn to become more ethical, professional and fair in their news reporting, instead of giving everything a negative spin and distortion. News reporting should be factual, truthful, balanced and professional. It is not fiction writing.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Obama and Bush Mess

Yes, it is tough for Obama to clean up the Bush mess, but Bush and gang must be prosecuted or pardoned, for all the laws they have broken, otherwise the integrity of the US Presidency and good old image of America to the world could never be restored.

This Bush-it must be dealt with, not pushed aside or ignored. One cannot move forward until and unless the shit of the past has been cleaned up or properly dealt with.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Madonna's Adoption of Malawi Child

First and foremost, adopting a child is a loving act. I was sad to hear that a few people accused Madonna of child abduction or kidnapping. It is simply untrue. Being a celebrity gives one certain advantages, but reverse discrimination could also occur. In other words, if you are rich and famous like Madonna, a few envious people would create some unfounded negative feelings against you. Celebrity bashing is a popular sport in some countries like the UK and USA.

Madonna's application to adopt Mercy James from Malawi has been rejected. It is now under appeal. Yes, let the legal process take its course. My understanding is that a potential parent must be a resident of Malawi for certain period of time, before the suitability can be fully assessed and determined. I agree that no exception or special favor should be given to Madonna just because she is a celebrity. On the other hand, why is such resident status required, in order to assess and determine the suitability ? Either the law should be changed, or Madonna should indeed be allowed to appeal. Anyway, to meet such resident status requirement is not that difficult. Madonna can simply live in Malawi for a year or so to meet that requirement.

As to the question about suitability, we only need to ask a few simple questions: if the adoption is approved, will Mercy James have a better life under the care of Madonna ? Will she have a better living environment, better education, better health and better life ? Or let us ask those questions in reverse: if the adoption is approved, will Mercy James' life become worse ? I say no, if the adoption is approved, her life will not become worse. It will become different, but not worse. And there is an excellent chance that her life will become better.

The old-fashioned view that a child must be raised by a father and a mother has already become outdated. Many single mothers and single fathers were able to raise their children successfully. The accusation that Madonna is a divorced woman with no husband does not change the fact that she is still a very competent woman. She even took her first adopted child David Banda from Malawi to visit and see his biological father there. This shows that she is a sensitive woman with warm feelings, and did not kidnap David away to own him and callously cut him off from his tie with his country and father of origin.

I disagree with those who said that Madonna is a bully. I think she is a confident and competent woman, but not a bully. Again, adopting a child and raise him or her as your own is a loving act. It is good for rich and advanced countries to help the poor and developing countries. It is wonderful that rich and loving people will help the poor and needy people. Spending time and money to give love and life to others, is much better than wasting time and money to create bullets and bombs, and go to war to kill our fellow human beings. Good luck to you on your appeal Madonna !!!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Dziekanski and Taser Gun

By now, the whole world has watched the news that Dziekanski, a new immigrant from Poland to Canada, was tasered to death at the Vancouver Airport.

This is my arbitrary dissection of Dziekanski's name, which spells his own fate: can you see ' die ' in Dzie ? Also, the Z is the last alphabet, the end. 'Kan' means 'Kanada', the transliteration of Canada. 'Ski' refers to a sport or popular activity in a cold country with snow. His name means he will die in Canada.

My dissection of the name is rather arbitrary. I admit it is a play of letters and words. It has nothing to do with Science or Religion. It has nothing to do with prophecy or astrology. It just happened that the name Dziekanski kept coming back to my mind, when I thought about police brutality or use of excessive force. The letters of the name separated themselves, showing repeatedly in my head the fragments of Die, Z, Kan and Ski, and I was trying to make some sense out of it. Call it a co-incidence, fate, or whatever, but my concern is not about the name of Mr. Dziekanski. My concern is about Police bruatality or use of excessive force.

Canada is not a bannana republic. It is a democratic and free country. The R.C. M.P. (Royal Canadian Mounted Police) are well regarded. It is a positive symbol of Canada. However, no country is perfect in this world. You can find corruption and failure everywhere, yes, even in Canada.

In this particular incident, the man was tasered by the Canadian Police more than once. My opinion is that the Police used excessive force against this new immigrant from Poland. Poor man, he was an emigrant to Canada with the shortest life ! As soon as he had landed in Canada, as a new immigrant, he died. Maybe, the taser was not a direct cause of his death, I don't know, but it would be a reasonable presumption, that the use of taser on him would have expedited or indirectly caused his death. If you used the taser, or stun gun, on a person with poor health, you would cause the death of that person, either directly or indirectly.

It looked rather stupid, for the police to defend themselves, by saying that Mr. Dziekanski held up his hands, as if he was telling the police that he didn't care, hell with you guys ! The police even said that he was holding a stapler, as if he was trying to use it as a weapon to attack them. My views ? Holding up one's hands could mean different things. To the police defending themselves, it could mean " I don't care, go to hell you guys ! ", but to others, it could mean " I surrender ", or " What do you want from me ? I am giving up. I am not a dangerous man. I am only a new immigrant."

I watched the news about this Dziekanski incident many times. The man did not look dangerous to me. He looked tired and confused. He could be frustrated, even frightened and culture-shocked coming to a new country. Perhaps he didn't speak English, and was not able to communicate with the police effectively. Just imagine you were the man, who came to a new country, and suddenly four policemen appeared and came after you. What would you do ? What could you do if you didn't know how to speak the language of your adopted country ? All these factors must be taken into consideration, before jumping to conclusion that he was a dangerous man trying to attack the police. I look at the incident the other way around: the man was not trying to attack the police or anyone. He held the stapler, just in case, to protect himself, to fight back, if the police would attack him. He was frustrated, tired and confused, and nobody came to help him.

If I were the judge, I would not accept the police's excuse or presumption that the man was dangerous, holding a stapler, trying to attack them, or it would cause serious danger to the public. If he were holding a knife, it would be different. It would justify the police in using the taser on him. If he were holding a gun, it would justify the police in using not only a taser, but a real gun.

The point I want to make is this: don't tell me that 4 policemen would not be enough and able to control and subdue one man !!! It would be incompetence, don't you think ?

Well, I don't think the police should be charged with murder. They would not have an intention to kill the poor man. They were probably thinking of only doing their job, but sadly, they were being overly enthusiastic. It was an 'overkill' that they over-used their authority by using the taser and excessive force. The poor man was tasered not just once, but a few times. I think the family of the dead man should be allowed to sue the police for being negligent and using excessive and unnecessary force causing death.

The Police should change their policy, in disallowing or restricting the use of taser on unarmed people, who post no immediate danger to the police or the public.

What is your opinion ?

Edi Lee

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Throw a shoe at Bush

Muntazer al-Zaidi, the Iraqi man who threw shoes at George Bush has been sentenced to 3 years in jail. His crime ? Assault of the head of a foreign state ! But he became a hero of the Iraqi people.

My views: Politics and the Law have a strange connection, mutually affecting each other. I use the word 'Law' instead of 'Justice' , because I don't believe there is any perfect justice available, in the current legal systems. Well, it is still better than having no laws at all.

When it comes to Politics, it often depends on which side you are on, in debating who is right and who is wrong. In litigation, it also depends on which side you are on: are you the plantiff or the defendant ?

There is no perfect objectivity or impartiality in either Politics or the Law. Often it became a game of power-struggle, tough bargaining, deal-making, and controlled optics, in creating an outcome which appears to be nice and fair. Appearance of being nice and fair, however, is not necessarily the same as actually being nice and fair, which can satisfy all parties.

In this example, it is rediculous to the Iraqi people that al-Zaidi has to go to jail for 3 years, for doing something which exactly represents their sentiment against Bush and his gang. On the other hand, I don't think we can expect the judge to simply set a-Zaidi free. That may offend U.S.A. and the Bush-supporters (how many ? very few, I think). There is a way out: al-Zaidi should appeal, or the Iraqi people, his supporters, especially the journalists and reporters, should make a request to the Iraqi Government, either the President or Prime Minister, for an unconditional pardon.

Did Bush get hurt ? No, that seems to be the only thing that he did well, sucessfully ducked and avoided being hurt by the flying shoes. If al-Zaidi should go to jail for 3 years, I think Bush should go to jail for at least 30 years, for breaking so many laws: U.S. laws, the U.S.A. constitution, international laws, UN Charter, human-right laws, and military laws. Bush and his gang caused the death of thousands upon thousands of innocent people: Americans, Iraqi people, and people of other nationalities. Innocent human beings died because of Bush and his gang !

The Iraqi War did not break out. It was manufactured by Bush and his gang. It is an illegal, immoral, stupid and unecessary war. Using God and Religion , to justify going to war, killing other human beings, and causing the death of so many innocent people, is not Holy War. It is Holy Shit. Bush, who created the Holy Shit, deserves to be hit by the Holy Shoes, don't you agree ?! So much Bullshit, I mean Bush-it !!!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

More shootings, violence and horror

Shootings could happen anywhere, not only in a church, but when it happened in a church, it made one think. How could there be an all-loving, all-knowing and all-powerful god really ? Yes, you should think about this question, too, if you are a genuine truth seeker.

I am not against any religion, as long as the believers are peaceful and loving, and not becoming deluded and fanatic. For those closet atheists, please have courage and come out. There is nothing to be ashamed of, if you don't believe in the existence of a supernatural god. If you live in a free country, there is no excuse that you must stay inside the religious box and be afraid of being ostracized.

When I said "I feel sorry for the Christians", I didn't mean to be disrespectful. I am an ex-Christian. I understand the Christian faith very well. What I mean was this: I feel sorry for those closet atheists who continue to stay in the Christian box where they no longer belong. Come out of it. Have courage. Set yourself free ! You can still keep and practice all those good teachings of Jesus about love and forgiveness, without having to stay in the Christian box. You'll find less hypocrisy, and more freedom and honesty, outside the box. In the end, the decision or choice is yours. I am just expressing my views and giving you some suggestions.

Yes, there are more shootings, from Vancouver Canada to Alabama U.S.A. Next time if you happen to be in a shooting scene, don't presume some people are making a movie. It could be real !!! Protect yourself. Duck. Run. Leave the dangerous zone. Enter a safe place.

The news is bad. They found 5 human heads in some chests in Mexico. No, it is not a horror movie. It is real. Ha, violent and horror movies are so plenty in real life !!!

But not all is bad. Amidst the world financial crisis, Wall Street stocks went up :))) We are living in interesting time: hard time for most, and easy time for some. Happy time at any time for a few spiritual and enlightened people :)))

I wish you well !!!

Fast Edi

Monday, March 9, 2009

What's going on ?

What's going on ? Another shooting in a church killing a pastor ? Where was god ? Either he did not exist, or if he did, he was not all-knowing, all-loving and all-powerful. A god and father who just sat back and did nothing to protect the pastor and his own child was not a god at all. The pastor died.

Had he survived, the religious people would say it was a miracle performed by god. Praise the Lord !!! Now that the pastor died, what could they say ? Nothing, except the usual non-answer: it was god's will.

By the way, I am not against the Christians, only feel sorry for their belief based on blind faith that there is a supernatural god. I was a Christian myself. I understand their belief, but I finally woke up from my religious dreams to face the truth: there is no supernatural god. As Jack Nicholson, the famous actor said : hey you want the Truth... you can't handle the Truth !!! It is time to leave all superstitions and imaginary gods and demons behind, and deal with the real problems of this world in a scientific, practical and rational manner.

Praying, or not praying, won't prevent the crazy people from shooting you and your loved ones to death. In this example, it was not god's will that the pastor died. Had he survived, it would not be god's will either. It just happened, that's all.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

New Creation

I created this new Blog on March 8, 2009 (Sunday). It is just the beginning.