Thursday, July 31, 2014


Sing and you will be sane ! Sing and you will get rid of the pain !
Singing is good for your mental, emotional and physical health ! 


The more famous you are, the more privacy you'll lose. Fame is not a 100% good thing. Loss of privacy is part of the price to pay for being famous. You can't be famous and not becoming a public figure. How can you be famous and unknown at the same time?

Monday, July 28, 2014

Something On Sale

Something on sale does not always mean true saving. It could mean ripping you off a bit less than usual. Check the price still !!!

To Think or To Feel ?

I don't mean to be didactic. When I teach, I also learn. When I share my thoughts and comments with you, I am both a teacher and a student. I don't expect that you agree with me in everything I said, but I do hope that you will be open-minded enough to understand my views, and others', which may not be the same as yours.

Regarding thinking and feeling, here are my thoughts and comments:

Think when you make a decision or try to solve a problem. Feel when you play. Feel, not think, if you wish to have fun, like singing or dancing. Know when to use your head and when to use your heart, and how much. Cheers !!!    

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Be Happy

The blustering storm of tomorrow will find a way to become yesterday's gentle rain. Only yesterday is gone, and tomorrow there is always another singer with another song (from my poem Walking Through Desert).
Be happy here and now!

Friday, July 25, 2014

What is the Answer ?

Nobody can tell you where the answer is. When in doubt, try to look for it somewhere between 2 extremes. What you hear from others are only suggestions. In the end, you will find the answer within yourself. Listen to your heart, but also use your head. Good luck !!!    

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Weird Asian Food

A friend posted an interesting video in Facebook. A few Americans were trying to eat some weird Asian food items including chicken feet, natto (fermented beans), durian fruit, balut (duck embryo egg) and sannakji (live octopus). None of them seemed to be able to take it, but they did try. It was so funny, yet so serious! A friend said it was disgusting and hilarious.  

My thoughts and comments:
People eat all kinds of weird stuff, not just Asians. It is disgusting to you but not to others. Some vegetarians and vegans think eating meat is unhealthy, disgusting and immoral. Some religious people think eating certain animals like cow or pig is sinful or dirty. 

Durian fruit "smell like shit but taste like heaven", but I don't like it. Have you ever tried Western blue cheese? It is also shit like Durian, only a different kind of shit. 

If you are a Christian, go to Leviticus 11 of the bible. You will be disappointed by so many foods that you are not supposed to eat. Forget the lobster, etc. etc. 

In this video, I eat chicken feet. All others I'll say no thank you. Last but not least, if it is a matter of life or death, I'll eat anything in order to survive. 

The cow already gives you milk, so why do you still want to kill her and eat her flesh ? 

See, just choose what you like and reject what you don't like. Now have a hamburger and some bacon and enjoy your "guilty pleasure" of eating sacred cow and dirty pig ... ha ha ha !!!

P.S. Just choose what you like. If it is not against your own conscience, then don't worry about what others think.

Young and Old People

Young people are not all stupid; they are only inexperienced.
 Old people are not all wise; some are bloody old fools. 

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Win Some Lose Some

Rely on no one but yourself. Be true to yourself. In the end, you are your own best friend. Accept what is meant to be yours, and accept what is not meant to be yours. Win some, lose some, that's life !!!

Friday, July 18, 2014

Positive Energy

Thank you for your like-minded understanding. We need to spread positive energy to the world. Even a small loving and peaceful thought or action counts.

Monday, July 14, 2014

Music and Life

No Music No Life. Make Music part of your Life !!!

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Spring Shooting

In the news, 6 were killed in suburban Houston, Texas, including 4 children. Is this even news, or rather just the same old story? Mass shooting is nothing new in America. It happens frequently. Even the headline of the news article I read implies that it is something seasonal.

To be fair, the headline of 'Spring Shooting' is probably intended to mean that the tragedy is happening in Spring, but to me, it sounds like an expected seasonal event. Don't be surprised if you see this same old story happen yet again: summer shooting, fall shooting and winter shooting! It is like a popular movie, with continued sequels.

Unfortunately, such mass murders are not movies. Real people actually died. In terms of gun possession, U.S.A. is number one in the whole world. One recent report shows that there are 97 guns for every 100 U.S.residents. Whao, that means there are more than 300 million guns in America !

"Guns don't kill people.Only people kill people", so they say. I heard that in Texas, a man would propose to marry a woman by giving her not only a ring, but also a gun. Dear friends in Texas, is this true or not ? Don't know what to say really, in spite of the fact that mass shooting causing multiple deaths is a very serious problem.Why ? Because bearing arms is a constitutional right of the Americans.

Guns are very much part of the American culture. It is not easy to change a culture, unless both government and people come to an agreement. Politics and economics only make the gun issue even more difficult and complicated. It is a mission impossible, or is it ?, to tell the Americans to stop playing with guns, the Russians to stop drinking volka, or the Canadians to stop playing hockey ?!

Monday, July 7, 2014

American Plutocracy

Paraphrase: as senator Bernie Sanders said, " Today the United States is number one in billionaires, corporate profits, CEO salaries, childhood poverty, and number one in income and wealth inequality in the industrial world. One in four corporations doesn't pay taxes.Congress doesn't control Wall Street. Wall Street controls Congress."

I'm afraid to say that American democracy has become a plutocracy due to selfish individualism, extreme capitalism and legalized corruption. Obama Obama ... I know it's tough, but what are you going to do?      

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Fiction and Reality

Yesterday's fiction is today's reality. Today's fiction is tomorrow's reality. No, it is not magic. No, it is not a miracle. Yes, it is science!

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

July the First

Today is Canada Day, also the 17th anniversary of Britain's hand-over of Hong Kong back to Chinese rule. There has been some political turmoil in Hong Kong, where the Hongkongers demand their UK-China promised autonomy and democracy, while the Chinese Government strongly asserts its authority and sovereignty over the previous British colony. I hope the problems will be resolved peacefully. No violence on either side please !!!