Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Hillary on Gaddafi's Death

We must never laugh at the death of a human being. So sad, so bad, to see Hillary Clinton being so jubilant over the death of Gaddafi. " We came, we saw, he died." ? What about the question on who killed Gaddafi ? Could it be " You went, you knew, you killed." ?!

Friday, October 21, 2011

Husband and Wife

A friend of mine complains about her husband. She says being a wife makes her feel like she is the man's half-a-mother and half-a-whore. It makes me laugh. Maybe her husband feels like he is her half-a-daddy and half-an-obedient-son. Sometimes I wonder: is Marriage about Love or what ?

Saturday, October 15, 2011


While politics itself is a dirty game, a blood sport, politicians are not without responsibility to maintain their integrity, and if necessary prove their being ethical, fair and law-abiding.Which politicians do you know who entered a mud pond and came out spotlessly clean ?

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Religion and Politics (2)

What I don't like is that they bring Religion into Politics. It makes the already dirty game stink!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Universal Love and World Peace

A friend in Canada asks me why I sound so negative in talking about America. He questions why I seem to be so anti-America. And then a friend in U.S.A. argues with me that America is the richest country in the world (which is untrue) and that he is very proud to be an American.

Here is my brief answer: I am not anti-America or any country. I love all peoples, the whole humanity. I am against all wars and killings. I am against all religious and political bullshit. I support and promote universal love and world peace, a world of abundant resources to meet the need of everyone, not the greed of a few... Amen !!!