Saturday, August 29, 2015

Foods and Drinks

Some foods and drinks give you pleasure but not health. Others give you health but not pleasure. Some give you both pleasure and health. Be wise in making your choice. Enjoy !!!

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Chinese Stock Market Crash ?

No, I don't think it was a Chinese stock market crash, but yes, it was a big drop which did affect the economies of the whole world, especially those of the resources-based exporting countries like Australia and Canada.

China's economy is slowing down. It doesn't want to buy your coal and oil, so what you gonna do? Even with the slow down, China's economic growth is still 7% more or less, an envy of many countries.

How well has Canada been doing economically? Not very well, but not very bad either. Election is on, so if you ask the leaders running for the Prime Minister's office, you'll certainly get different political answers. Tom Mulcair of the New Democratic Party (NDP) and Justin Trudeau of the Liberal Party (LP) will tell you that Stephen Harper of the Conservative Party (CP) sucks, but of course Stephen Harper will tell you that he's been doing a great job and you should continue to let him be your prime minister. 

The world economy is a big monster. Nobody is able to manage it alone. We should rather focus on our own personal economy, our own finances, to maintain and improve our ' financial health '. 

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Feeling Good

Looking good is good, but feeling good is even better. Feeling good, not looking good, keeps you young and healthy.

Korea (2)

Early this year, on January 13, 2015, I wrote about the two Koreas showing hints that they were willing to talk, which I supported. Now North Korea accuses South Korea of political and military provocation and threatens to risk an ' all out war '. The U.S. then halts military exercise with South Korea.

Dear Uncle Sam and Korean people of the North and South, please don't play chicken. One miscalculation could lead to irreversible disaster. No war in the Korean Peninsula ! No war period !

A Canadian Korean friend told me that this is the way the game is played:

North Korea under the dictatorial leadership of Kim Jong Un would threaten to go to war with South Korea. Rich corporations of South Korea then made big donations to North Korea, which enabled them to pay less tax to the South Korean Government. The leadership in the North got what they wanted, and the leadership in the South stayed in power. If the US or UN would bomb North Korea, then the ' Mafia Bill ' from North Korea would be even bigger.

Money and Power Games everywhere, only played in different ways. Peace !  

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Precious Water

In the news, three million gallons of metal-contaminated wastewater has turned the Animas River in Colorado into mustard color. It looks bad. The U.S. Federal Government says that 40 percent of west coast headwaters are contaminated by mine runoff.

There are so many such water-contamination incidents, oil spills and man-made environmental devastations in the world. When will the humans learn that water is more precious than oil and gold?

Monday, August 10, 2015

American War And Peace

There are many dark forces in this world, including the war hawks and neo-cons in America. These warmongers want war, not peace. The U.S. Military Industrial Complex needs to constantly create enemies and conflicts, in order to keep the hugely profitable war business going.

So many conflicts and wars, even terrorists, can be traced back to the root cause of U.S. interventionism. It is a horrific cycle of cause and effect. You may call it negative karma or bad blowback. But hell the warmongers just don't care. It is great for dominance and the American war business. Gerald Celente, a renowned American financial commentator and trend forecaster said, "The business of America is war. The business of China is business."

Don't envy the job of the U.S. president. As the U.S. president, you may want peace, but there are powerful dark forces in America which keep pushing you to go to war,  to make troubles and invade other countries, to divide and conquer and drop some bombs, to orchestrate foreign regime changes, and to fight the terrorists whom Uncle Sam created in the first place. In short, it doesn't matter who fight whom, as long as there are war-game players in action, to keep the hugely profitable American war business going!

Sadly, there are people in this world who actually want war, not peace. These dark forces are internal and external, and the U.S. president must deal with them both.  

Obama has re-established diplomatic relations with Cuba, and has succeeded in signing a nuclear peace deal with Iran. There are at least a few more things that he should do, in order to earn his Nobel Peace Prize received in advance:

Close the Guantanamo Bay Detention Camp as promised, and better still, return the lands to Cuba.  

Stop sending drones to kill people, including American citizens who are presumed but not proven terrorists, which will otherwise cause the continued death of more civilians and innocent people.

Reform the racist and corrupted judicial, police, and prison systems in America.

Stop unlimited spying activities on American citizens, your own countrymen, and your allies.

Reduce or take the big money out of American politics. Current lobbying and unlimited donations allowed is a ' buy out the politicians ' program. It is nothing but legalized corruption.


Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Should Marijuana Be Legalized ?

This is my non-scientific but educated opinion:

Marijuana is not a hard drug. It is less harmful than alcohol and cigarettes. Heavy drinking and smoking cause many more deaths than marijuana, of which the death rate is zero or near zero. Marijuana should be made legal, as some states in the U.S. have already done so. My prediction is that marijuana eventually will be made legal in Canada.

While marijuana would slow you down, other hard drugs like cocaine or heroin would make you high. Have you ever encountered a drug addict or a person who took hard drugs in the past and has just recently quit? Those people would look blank and withdrawn, even seemingly calm, but then they would become easily jumpy and irritated. 

Personally, I don't like drugs, whether they are legal or not. Should marijuana be legalized? In my opinion, yes. Should ALL drugs be legalized? I'm not sure at this time. What do you think?

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Ebola Vaccine

An Ebola vaccine created by medical scientists of the Public Health Agency of Canada appears to be 100% effective in protection. Dr. Margaret Chan, Director-General of the World Health Organization said the vaccine could be a game changer.

I love this kind of good news. Congratulations to Canada!

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP)

In the news, the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) deal fails to come to an agreement.

My thoughts and comments:

The TPP is not just about economics. It also has to do with politics. It is Uncle Sam's effort trying to control and counter-balance the rise of China, especially in Asia Pacific. Does it make any sense at all, if not for politics, that the TPP does not include China, the largest country in Asia Pacific?