Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Climate Change

It is rather stupid to argue about climate change. Climate always changes, from Spring, Summer, Fall to Winter, then back to Spring. The climate that you like or dislike depends on the time and location of the place in question. Whether you believe in global warming or deep freeze, climate will continue to change. The focus should be rather about pollution and irresponsible human activities in abusing nature and misusing its natural resources, which is a fact. Of course the big oil companies and oil producing countries will continue to promote the production and use of oil. It is their interest to make big money and huge profits. But it will change. It is already happening, I mean the production and use of green and renewable energy in lieu of burning fossil fuels. Did you hear my joke before ? It is this: due to the cold weather, the gathering to protest against global warming has been cancelled :)

1 comment:

  1. In the short term, weather can be very changeable. In the long term, climate change has gone through both warm and cold periods. Global warming and climate change have become sort of a religion. Scientists who questioned mankind's impact on global warming and climate change have received death threats or shunned, for questioning the mainstream belief hijacked by a powerful alliance of politicians, scientists and environmentalists. I am not a scientist. All I can say and believe is that the humans continue to abuse the environment and natural resources on earth, and that is definitely not a good thing.Recent news reported that global wildlife population has fallen by half since the 1970s. Humans are to blame for this major decline.
