Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Death of Run Run Shaw

Run Run Shaw, the movie and T.V. mogul of Hong Kong has passed. He had a long (107 years) and good life.Without him (Shaw Brothers and H.K.T.V.B.), there would be no big stars and directors like Jackie Chan, Chow Yun-Fat, Andy Lau (Tak Wah), John Woo, Wong Ka Wai, Quentin Tarantino etc. etc. The one he missed out big was Bruce Lee, who signed up with Raymond Chow instead. He was knighted by the Queen. RIP Sir Run Run Shaw, you had a good Run in Life !

1 comment:

  1. Before Quentin Tarantino became a big Hollywood movie director, he was a crazy Chinese movie fan, especially in watching and studying Shaw Brothers' Kung Fu movies.He was so obsessed that he watched at least one Chinese movie every day for one whole year. I like Quentin's movies. He has the talent of creating a cultural mix of Chinese martial arts and Western cowboy stories. Watch the movie Kill Bill, and you'll know what I mean. He knows how to make movies ... the story lines, the images, the East-West film languages, the shots, yes, even the violence (I don't support this in real life, but in creative arts including movies, literature, etc. etc. , freedom of expression should be generously allowed).
    about a minute ago · Like
