Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Midway Hotel

Some years ago, I was driving north to Dawson from Whitehorse for the first time. Dawson City was the old capital of Yukon. It was the center of the Klondike Gold Rush back in 1898. While I was driving, I suddenly had a vision in my mind, or rather above my head. I saw a highrise hotel named Midway Hotel.

I don't know how to explain what a vision is. There is no need for an explanation, if you had such an experience yourself. Look at it this way: a vision is like a dream which lasts for only a few seconds. Other similar experiences are described by people as having an idea, an inspiration, a waking dream, an awakening, premonition or clairvoyance.Of course, some people would think that you are nuts if you tell them that you had a vision. Others would think that you are a prophet or an alien.Whatever!

However you think, I am not alone.Many people have such extrasensory perception experiences. Did you ever have the experience that a good friend or loved one came to mind; then the phone rang and it was the same person that you saw in your head just a few seconds ago? Or did you have the experience that you heard a song in your head; then you walked into a store or restaurant, and that same song was being played, almost like specially for you? 

After seeing the Midway Hotel in my vision in split seconds, I knew I would see it on my way to Dawson. Lord and Behold, it happened so fast.Within the next ten minutes or so, I saw Midway Lodge coming into sight.It was not a highrise hotel, but the name of Midway was the same as what I saw in my vision, and it was a place for accommodation. The Midway Hotel, a modern highrise in my vision, had become the modest Midway Lodge in physical reality.

There are still so many things that we don't fully understand. Neither Religion nor Science is able to explain everything clearly to everyone's satisfaction. After many years of diligent studies and observations, I have become much more confident in Science than in Religion. I'm waiting for a new Einstein to explain to me, scientifically, whether extrasensory perception is real, and how does it work. Singularity is getting closer and closer, but it has not yet arrived. I'm patiently waiting.          

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