Friday, December 12, 2014

Torture (2)

Back on November 6, 2011, I wrote about Torture in my blog ' Fast Edi Thoughts and Comments'. More particularly, I wrote about the so-called enhanced interrogation techniques used by the CIA against the suspected terrorists, which had been approved by Dick Cheney and George Bush, and supported by their obedient gang.

Torture was / is against the Geneva Convention, human rights and international laws. War crimes were committed, but who would be held responsible, prosecuted and brought to justice? Yet another example of American Double Standard and Exceptionalism! Uncle Sam would do, and did, bad things to others, but nobody seems to have the guts or means to bring him to justice.

A CIA Torture Report is out. President Obama admits that the U.S. did many things right, but torture was wrong, but what is he going to do ?

John O. Brennan, the CIA Director comes out and tries to defend the CIA. Well, people are not stupid. The CIA Torture Report is just too shocking and indefensible. He says the CIA is made of humans, and humans are not perfect, and they made mistakes. He says, " I will leave to others how they might want to label these activities." 

While I understand it was difficult for John O. Brennan to give an appropriate speech to satisfy everyone regarding this serious matter, I would like to point out the fact that the subject matter is not about just a label or small mistake. It is about torture and the alleged or actual criminal activities of the CIA. Just calling torture an enhanced interrogation technique, or whatever, did not, does not, and will not change the fact that torture is torture.

OK, the CIA workers are humans, and they made mistakes. But are the suspected or actual terrorists also humans, and they could also have made mistakes? Is it O.K. to commit a crime against a criminal? Is it O.K. for a human to torture another human? Are American lives worth more than other lives? Is it O.K. for Uncle Sam to kill  non-Americans, whether they are innocent or not, in order to protect Americans?

Dick Cheney is much worse than John O. Brennan. He comes out and growls. He says the CIA Torture Report is full of crap. He says the lawyers stated that such enhanced interrogation techniques were deemed to be legal. Who were these U.S. lawyers? So much bullshit. Yeah, I am God. Whatever I do is deemed to be right, even when it is wrong !

And where is George Bush? Would he dare to come out and talk about the CIA Torture Report or the Iraq War? I think it is better for him to stay low, and keep up with his new hobby of painting instead.          

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