Monday, May 4, 2015

Japan Must Apologize

Japan prime minister Shinzo Abe's visit to the U.S. did not meet with welcome everywhere. In Youtube, I saw an American Second World War veteran accusing Abe of dodging the issue of Japan's war history. In Los Angeles, Abe's last stop, there were Chinese and Korean Americans protesting Japan's war crimes, and demanded Japan's apology. Apologize, Apologize, they shouted !

History is not fiction. It is about facts and what actually happened. Japan must own up its war crimes and atrocities committed in the Second World War against China, other Asian and non-Asian countries, and issue an official apology.

The China-Japan relationship today is still very difficult, largely because of Japan's continued denial of the 'real' history of Japan's invasion of China, the Nanjing Massacre, the sex slaves, and many such undeniable war crimes and atrocities. Changing facts and white-washing history just doesn't work. Nor can the U.S. deny the fact that it dropped 2 atomic bombs on Japan, killing 300,000 Japanese civilians. Nor can Japan deny the Pearl Harbour incident.

In order for countries to move forward and repair damaged relationship, they must admit what they did wrong, and apologize to the victim countries. In return, the victim countries must forgive the countries which did wrong and have officially apologized. It takes a lot of moral courage to apologize, and it is not easy to do so for most politicians who have very little spiritual I.Q. (a term I coined).

It's very sad but true, that the humans are quite advanced now in science and technology, but they are still spiritually very primitive. Their values are still about Money and Power, not Peace and Love. We, 'uncivilized' humans, continue to engage in warfare to fight and kill one another. Until and unless we make drastic changes of our current financial, economic and political systems in the world, I doubt Peace on Earth will come soon. We need a LOVE revolution !!!

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