Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Kim Davis

A friend posted a picture of Kim Davis in Facebook with these words:
"God's law is above the laws of a nation" - Senator Mike Huckabee.
Let's have a look at one of God's laws. "Anyone arrogant enough to reject the verdict of the judge must be put to death" - Deuteronomy 17:12  

My thoughts and comments:

I am an ex-Catholic and ex-Christian. I've left the organized Christian religion, but I keep some of the good teachings of Christ, like Love and Forgiveness. I no longer consider the Bible holy. It is the Bible, but not Holy Bible.

In the Bible, you can find many good things and also lots of craps. You can quote one verse to reject another verse. I've found it almost futile to argue with the fundamental conservative Christians, I mean by using their same Bible which they claim to be the words of God. They would insist on the authority of certain verse that they use, but reject your verse which came from their same Bible. Quoting the Bible is just a game of cherry picking, not necessarily an authority to approve or disapprove anything.

In this story, Kim Davis, the Kentucky clerk who refused to issue marriage license to gay couples had been put to jail for contempt of court. She was then released and became a 15 minutes hero of the conservative Christians.

My opinion is that since Kim Davis cannot perform her job of issuing marriage license to gay couples, for doing so is against her conscience and religious belief, then she should resign and find another job. To keep the job, get paid, while not being ready, willing and able to do the work and serve the people is rather hypocritical with no integrity.

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