Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Is Saudi Arabia Going Bankrupt?

Just finished watching a YouTube video of TestTube News titled ' Is Saudi Arabia Going Bankrupt ' ? It says 80% of Saudi Arabia's economy relies on oil revenue. At the current price of less than $50 a barrel, economists have predicted that Saudi Arabia could run out of cash in 5 years. Would that come true? I don't know, but it is not impossible.

I said it in the past, and now again, that if not for its oil, Saudi Arabia would be reduced to a backward and poor country. Burning fossil fuel for energy is ' primitive ', not advanced. The whole world should reduce the use of fossil fuel and switch to renewable and clean energy. It is not only good for the environment, but also good for human health and the world economy in the long run.

Yes, eventually, the world economy will rely more and more on renewable and clean energy, although it is not that obvious to people whose mind just got stuck in the past. One day, oil as the main source of energy will become something of the past.

I don't want to see Saudi Arabia or any country become poor and bankrupt. I only wish that all countries, including Saud Arabia, would live in peace.

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