Thursday, May 14, 2020

Corona Virus Politics

So much political BS and China bashing! While attacking China's lack of transparency, the US is much less than being transparent. ______________________________________________________________________________________ As soon as China had verified that it was a new Corona virus, it immediately released the information and warning to the World Health Organization(WHO)and the whole world in late December 2019 and early January 2020, including the US. Trump did not take quick action to effectively deal with the virus. Instead he distracted his own incompetence and failure to blaming China and the WHO. ______________________________________________________________________________________ Pompeo, like his boss liar Trump, said the CIA got significant evidence that the virus came from a Chinese lab in Wuhan, then later said he was not certain that it came from a Chinese lab in Wuhan. Talking about labs, would the US allow international investigators to investigate the deadly bio weapon lab in Fort Detrick, Maryland which was closed down in August 2019 due to safety concern? ______________________________________________________________________________________ Would the US allow international investigators to get to the bottom, the alive or dead conditions of the American soldiers who went to Wuhan for the international military sports competition in October 2019? Being a sports country, how come the US team ranked only 35 and performed so poorly? Their hotel was right near by the wet market. What was their real mission to go to Wuhan? Is it true that Maatji Benassi, one of the American soldiers a biker athlete, and other soldiers got sick and some died on return to the US? Was it just a coincidence that Matt Benassi another soldier got sick? Was it yet another coincidence that the first Corona virus victim in Holland was Ben Benassi? Did the American soldiers bring the Corona virus to Wuhan or catch it in and from Wuhan? ______________________________________________________________________________________ How did the navy in Aircraft carriers Roosevelt and Reagan, without going to China, catch the Corona virus? A Japanese couple went to Hawaii, not China, and caught the virus there. So many such no China visit yet caught the virus stories! ______________________________________________________________________________________ More and more facts indicated that the origin of the new virus is not Wuhan. The fact that it broke out in Wuhan does not necessarily mean the virus originated there. Scientific reports from Japan, Taiwan and UK showed that the strain in Wuhan was not of the first generation, while the US had all the generation strains. The virus strain that broke out in New York did not even come from China but Europe. ______________________________________________________________________________________ Latest scientific reports showed that some people got the virus in the US, France and Japan way before it broke out in Wuhan. When the CDC Director Robert Redfield was questioned by US Congress, he admitted that the Corona virus was mis-categorized as the common flu. In other words, some or many of those who died from a common flu or vaping rather died from the Corona virus. All these mean that this new virus did not "originate" in Wuhan. But where? It would take a long time for the medical scientists to find out. I trust the scientists, not what the politicians said. ______________________________________________________________________________________ Regarding masks, do you not know that Trump did not allow 3M made US masks to be exported to Canada? Do you not know that the US stopped some purchased masks going to Germany and diverted it to the US? Do you not know that California and some states couldn't wait for the Federal Government to lead and help, and directly ordered many masks from China? Do you not know that China sent medical teams and masks and medical equipment to help many countries, yet the China bashers accused China of playing mask diplomacy and all the political bullshit?! Do you know China stepped up with the mass production of masks to meet the demand and need of the world? ______________________________________________________________________________________ Do you understand how much financial sacrifice that China made, to lock down Wuhan with a population of more than 10 million people, to prevent the virus from spreading to other parts of China and beyond? Do you know China did all the virus testing, provided all the health care treatment, to save the lives of its people of all ages, and did not put money ahead of human lives, all for free?! I heard one real case in the US, that a woman after the new virus treatment, was given a bill of US$35,000. Are you proud and happy that the US health care system is a profit based system? I feel lucky that I live in Canada. Our health care system does not put profit ahead of human lives. ______________________________________________________________________________________ Do you not know that some election strategy papers leaked out of the Republican Party, that instructed all Republicans to blame the whole virus pandemic on China, and to characterize Joe Biden as pro China? ______________________________________________________________________________________ My friends, we are talking about a virus which doesn't have a nationality. It doesn't really matter where it came from, it is a global enemy. We should cooperate and fight the virus, not BS blaming one another. It is absurd to demand financial damages from China. Do you know how many people in the world died from H1N1 in 2009 which started in the US? What about the financial collapse which started in the US in 2008? What about all the wars created by the US which caused the death and suffering of millions upon millions of people? Should the US pay damages to the whole world? There is so much more to say, but I'll leave it to your own intelligence and conscience to make a fair judgement. Stop blaming others, review your own performance! There won't be agreement or mutual understanding possible, if one stubbornly holds on to one's political ideology and position, which caused blindness to facts and reasons. Peace ! ______________________________________________________________________________________

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