Sunday, February 22, 2015

Swastika On Hindu Temple

In the news, a group of vandals painted racist graffiti on the wall of a Hindu temple in Bothell,Washington State, U.S.A. It seems that the stupid racists did not understand the difference between Hinduism and Islam, as the graffiti included not only a Swastika, but also the words of  'Muslims' and 'Get out'. As Cenk of TYT in Youtube suggested, they were idiot racists who hated brown people.  
The Swastika is offensive to people, more particularly to the Jewish people, because of the Holocaust, and that the Nazi had stolen this old peaceful symbol and turned it into something bad in modern time. On the contrary, the Swastika is not a symbol of evil. It has always been used as a peaceful symbol with much good will and positive meanings for thousands of years. You can find the Swastika used in many religions and cultures, including Buddhism, Hinduism, Raelism, Aboriginals and Native Americans, even in old Jewish temple. Just do some searching in Google and Youtube, to learn more about the Swastika.

It is an irony, even stupidity, to write a Swastika on the wall of a Hindu Temple and tell the temple goers to get lost, when it rather means 'good wishes to you'. Racism is ignorance. It grows out of fear, not love. Writing a Swastika on a Hindu Temple is like drawing a Cross on a Christian Church. Stupid racists !!!  

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