Saturday, May 7, 2016

Does Love Hurt?

Liam Neeson says,"Love is the only thing in this world that does not hurt". This statement is part of his words about love, which has been quoted and passed around in Facebook for some time.

First and foremost, Liam is a fine actor and I have nothing against him. I believe in freedom of expression, as he did, and as I am doing now.

Discussion about love has been going on for thousands of years, and still continues. Love is a universal human experience, but there are all kinds of different beliefs and understanding about this very profound subject.

What Liam says is only his own philosophical thought or wishful thinking. In reality, what he says is not true to everyone. It is not a universal truth or absolute truth. Philosophy is not always a matter of absolutely right or absolutely wrong. It is often a matter of perspective, personal experience, belief and understanding. There would be many who disagree with Liam.

Love does not hurt? Are we kidding ourselves? What was the last love song that Liam listened to? No heart was ever broken? Love is the same spinning coin with 2 sides. One side gives you pleasure. The other side gives you pain. Liam's coin of love must be a magical coin, that it always lands on the winning side of pleasure, never the losing side of pain. For most people, if their coin of love lands on the losing side of pain, they'll give it another spin, or give up the coin, or get a new coin. 

In my opinion, love is definitely the right thing to do in life, whether it hurts or not. Love is a great lecture but a lousy performance. You can quote me! 

Fast Edi Thoughts and Comments 

1 comment:

  1. A friend's comments and my response:

    Friend: I think u missed the point and are ignorant to Liam's love story which is tragic. love is not what hurts... love heals. any thing that hurts is just disguised as love and is usually loss. loss hurts

    My response: I know Liam's story. His partner(Natasha Richardson)died in a skiing accident. Love both hurts and heals. Often old love hurts and new love heals. To say that love is the only thing in the world that does not hurt is just untrue. It's like saying no heart was ever broken. It's like saying all humans are perfect lovers, givers and receivers. A wonderful ideal indeed! I am not against this ideal which is beautiful. I'm just saying that in reality, love both hurts and heals. Thousands of love songs and poems from past to present show that love both hurts and heals. Peace!
